Tides of Tomorrow: the creators of Road 96 take us to a magnificent ocean planet with their next game

Most Europeans went to bed after the Summer Game Fest Live 2024but just afterwards took place the Day of the Devs, another conference dedicated to independent games. In particular, we discovered Tides of Tomorrow, the new title of DigixArt Studiodeveloper of excellent 11-11 Memories Retold And Road 96.

You can discover the first trailer for Tides of Tomorrow above, which will take us to an ocean planetin a more colorful atmosphere but possibly just as depressing as Waterworld. Here is a presentation of the game:

Tides of Tomorrow is an adventure game set on an ocean planet, Elynd, where life is threatened with extinction by a devastating epidemic. Players will have to explore the different floating cities and towns around the world, face threats and try to find a way to cure the disease.

In front of you, three different factions, each with its advantages and disadvantages. Players will need to choose their allies carefully, as each decision has the potential to create new adversaries.

Indeed, all of the decisions made by players will have consequences on those who follow in their footsteps. The unique asynchronous system will allow players to follow their friends or streamers of their choice and react to their actions.

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Tides of Tomorrow is currently expected on PC, via Steamon an unknown dateit remains to be seen whether DigixArt Studio will bring it to consoles. If you had missed it, Road 96 is available from €6.99 on Amazon, Cdiscount, Fnac, GOG.com And Gamesplanet.

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