Tik-Tok trend: Jade rollers are becoming a makeup tool

Tik Tok trend
Foundation is now applied with the jade roller

Jade rollers are not only good for skincare.

© Cottonbro / Pexels

The fashion and beauty news of the day in the BRIGITTE ticker: with a trick, jade rollers become beauty blenders.

Current fashion and beauty news in the BRIGITTE ticker:

April 4, 2022

So you can also use your jade roller as a make-up tool

They are the favorite motif of beauty gurus on Instagram: jade facial massage rollers. These not only look pretty, but also promise a rosy glow, a firm complexion – and according to Tik-Toker: perfect make-up on the inside! Instead of running the roller over the face and massaging oil into the skin, the tool should also be able to distribute foundation perfectly. Sound unusual? And how – but the special make-up technique should definitely offer advantages: By applying it with the massage roller, less foundation is used because no product is swallowed by sponges, brushes or the like. At the same time, the skin should shine more evenly thanks to the even rolling technique and also gets a facial massage. Win win!


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