TikTok, always further: the duration of the videos will be extended to 10 minutes!

Alexander Boero

March 01, 2022 at 7:10 p.m.



© TikTok

Limited today to 3 minutes, the videos TikTok
will benefit from a serious extension.

Building on its dazzling evolution over the past two years, TikTok continues to evolve its application and is moving further and further away from its original model, with a video format that never stops stretching. The social network for sharing short videos can soon no longer really be nicknamed that way. From the United States, we learn that TikTok videos will gradually be able to last 10 minutes. Soon long programs on the platform? Don’t laugh, we’re starting to believe it.

TikTok and YouTube, cross-strategies: each treads on the other’s toes

The information leaked, then ended up being confirmed with our American colleagues from TechCrunch and by those of the AFP. After extensions to 60 seconds, then 3 minutes, TikTok is about to enter a new era, with a new 10-minute video format that will rub shoulders with the first two mentioned as well as the now traditional 15-second video.

The last extension, to 3 minutes, of TikTok videos dated back to last summer. ” We are always thinking of new ways to bring value to our community and enrich the experience [sur la plateforme] “Explains the company in a press release. With the move to 10-minute videos, the leaders of the application are opening up even more possibilities to TikTok creators, but also to others, those who officiate/officiated elsewhere, such as on YouTube, the almost self-appointed competitor of the Chinese platform.

Not necessarily in form, but at least in substance, TikTok and YouTube are increasingly competing with each other. Google’s video service had hit hard by launching its short format, YouTube Shorts, in September 2020, which consists, from your mobile, of posting videos of a maximum duration of 60 seconds, like a certain TikTok. For its part, the social network of the ByteDance group extends its limit to 10 minutes to encourage, without a doubt, creators (young and old) to offer their formats on TikTok, by bringing their community with them, of course.

Fewer and fewer differences between video social networks

The game of cat and mouse is starting to become perpetual between TikTok and YouTube, the latter having added a “Live” function to its platform directly inspired by the Chinese social network, but also Instagram and Twitch. Eventually, it could become impossible to play the game of the 7 differences between the platforms, so much will they be comparable in their functionalities, both to shine in the eyes of users, but also (and above all, let’s be honest) to seduce advertisers.

We exaggerate, but the fierce competition between the multiple services undermines what made their respective originality at the start.

If you don’t yet have access to the 10-minute video format on TikTok, don’t panic. The company says the feature will be rolling out to everyone in the coming weeks. The main markets of the mobile application should have the scoop.

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Sources: TechCrunch

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