Yet another dangerous challenge has emerged on Tiktok, resulting in the death of a 15-year-old teenage girl from an overdose in Oklahoma, United States.
Many teens engage in disturbing challenges on this social network. After the "Autism Challenge" or the "Skull Breaker Challenge", an even more dangerous game entertains teenagers. Chloe Marie Phillips, a 15 year old teenager, died after a terrible challenge called the Benadryl Challenge. This challenge that has been circulating for some time on TikTok involves ingesting capsules of the drug of the same name, available over the counter in the United States.
This antihistamine (specifically diphenhydramine) is used to fight allergies and colds. In France, the equivalents would be Actifed day / night, Nautamine or even Butix.
The desire to "get high"
For adolescents, the "high" effect of this drug has become a new challenge. Indeed, it can cause drowsiness, blurred vision or hallucinations. Inexpensive and available without a prescription, an overdose exposes you to health risks, particularly to the heart. At just 15, Chloe overdosed.
" Chloe was an extremely intelligent young woman and dreamed of going to college to become a lawyer. She was looking forward to kissing her first kiss, getting her driver's license and going to Paris one day », Lamented the mother of the girl on Facebook. " Don't take this anymore, kids… I don't want to see any family go through this anymore. Don't tell yourself it only happens to others », Warns his great aunt on social networks.
Hoping that this drama awakens consciousness in the face of these new and increasingly dangerous challenges.