TikTok changes its algorithm in Europe because of the DSA

European TikTok users now have the option to turn off personalized suggestions in the “For You” tab. They can also watch videos posted by their friends in chronological order. A strong response to the DSA, which is already changing social networks.

TikTok’s algorithm is both its greatest quality and its greatest flaw. Extremely effective, it offers content perfectly adapted to the tastes of its users, which makes them want to stay in the application for a long time. Thanks to him, we have a lot of fun on TikTok, but we are also locked in bubbles, with content that rarely encourages reflection.

For the first time in its history, TikTok is preparing to give its users the choice. To comply with the Digital Services Act (DSA), the new European regulation governing web services, TikTok will update its algorithms in Europe, with new possibilities. A real challenge for the Chinese social network, which compromises its model for the first time.

The same videos for everyone

First change, like Facebook and Instagram, TikTok goes to the chronological feed. This is an obligation of the European Union, which requires social networks to offer “algorithm-free” versions of their feeds. This change will automatically reflect in the “Following” and “Friends” tabs, which will now show content in the order they were posted. Until today, TikTok’s algorithm was master of the order. It was he who imposed one content before another, even if these tabs restricted TikTok to content voluntarily followed by its user.

In Europe, TikTok allows you to deactivate its recommendation algorithm. // Source: TikTok

Another even more important change: TikTok has developed a version without customization of the “For you” tab, which is the first one you see when you start the application. It is in “For you” that the algorithm usually suggests content, but European users can ask to deactivate it. All users in the same region will then see the same content, sorted by their current popularity. A sort of “Trends” tab, which no longer adapts to users, at the risk of making them leave more quickly.

Other measures are planned to accompany the DSA, such as the possibility of searching without suggestions. TikTok also highlights its “Why this video” option, which has been present for several years, which allows you to know why the algorithm has decided to target you.

The DSA shakes up social networks

Launched in Europe on August 25, the DSA obliges the major web platforms to be more responsible. TikTok’s changes are big, so much so that they could have prevented its outbreak at launch if they had been applied. TikTok will also have to offer greater moderation, in direct contact with European local authorities.

Like TikTok, the other major web platforms have also announced changes in recent days. Chronological feeds on Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat, advertising center at Google, button to report illegal content in Europe on X (Twitter)… The DSA already has big impacts on the web and, in the event of an infringement, a company s is liable to a fine of up to 6% of its worldwide turnover.

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