TikTok: This is how this cat reacts when his mistress sneezes

tik tok
Hangover doesn’t take a joke when people sneeze

Cat Oliver can’t stand it when his mistress has to sneeze.

On TikTok, a hangover makes many smiling faces. The reason for this is his reaction when his mistress sneezes.

Whether dogs, hamsters or cats – pets are not only loyal companions, but also bring us close to tears of laughter through their reactions. But tomcat Oliver not only puts a big grin on his mistress’ face, he also puts many TikTok users in a good mood.

“Health!” – the tabby cat doesn’t like that at all

Does laughing make your stomach hurt? A clip on TikTok can do that in just a few seconds. In the video we show you what Oliver doesn’t like at all.

Source used: tiktok.com/@catladykarena


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