Til Schweiger: He plays a Russian movie star alongside his daughter Luna

Til Schweiger
He plays a Russian movie star alongside daughter Luna

Luna and Til Schweiger at an event in Zurich.

© imago/Future Image

For a new film with Alec Baldwin and Mickey Rourke, Til Schweiger becomes a Russian cinema star. His daughter Luna also plays along.

Hollywood comes to Mallorca for Til Schweiger (59). How among other things, the “Bild” newspaper reportedthe German acting star stood in front of the camera in his hotel on the Spanish island for a new film together with his daughter Luna (26).

The film is therefore entitled “Hollywood And Crime”. In addition to the Schweigers, it should also include Alec Baldwin (64), Mickey Rourke (70) and Danny Trejo (78). It is currently unclear when the project will appear.

The production had traveled extra because Schweiger didn’t have time to fly to the USA. “Til didn’t have time, so we came to him now,” director Mike Hatton (44) explained to the daily newspaper. Actually, they wanted to shoot in Santa Monica.

Til Schweiger: “The guy is so crazy”

“It was actually like that. My management had asked me if Luna and I could come to LA for the shoot, so I said ‘no time, can’t’. The team then decided ‘okay, then we’ll come to you’ […]”, confirms Schweiger. In the film, the 59-year-old gives a “crazy super cinema star and director from Russia, who now wants to conquer Hollywood together with his daughter – who plays my daughter Luna”, he continues.

“I really like playing with my daughter because she is highly talented,” enthuses Schweiger also opposite the “Mallorca Zeitung”. How does he describe his role? “The guy is so crazy and so is his daughter.”

It’s not the first time the two have appeared in front of the camera together. Luna Schweiger has appeared in her father’s productions several times – including “Keinohrhasen” and “Kokowääh”. Schweiger’s youngest daughter Emma (20) can also be seen in it alongside both of them.


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