Til Schweiger: These are his plans for his 60th birthday

After his difficult year, Til Schweiger (59) wants to approach his upcoming big birthday a little more calmly than usual. In an interview with “Bild” he revealed his plans for the party and his new decade.

Celebrate in Mallorca in a small circle

The actor and director turns 60 on December 19th. But he doesn’t want to celebrate this special day as big as his 50th – “I celebrated it twice: once in winter and once in summer, each time with the same staff. Those were two lavish celebrations that you can’t top.” Instead, he revealed in the interview: “I’m going to have a small party on Mallorca, with my family and a few friends. And then I’m going to spend Christmas in Germany.” His family is happy that he is doing well again. “Everyone who was worried about me no longer does. And it should stay that way,” he draws a conciliatory conclusion at the end of his turbulent year.

When asked about his bucket list for the next decade of his life, he said: “I’m not someone who plans very much. I could make another attempt to quit smoking. I’ve already quit a thousand times – but always started again. But Now I had to get the other thing straightened out again.”

Serious allegations were made against Schweiger in the spring. In a report by “Spiegel” he was accused of abusing power and alcohol on the “Manta Manta” set. Schweiger initially “didn’t take it seriously,” he described to Steffen Hallaschka (51) a few days ago in the RTL annual review “2023! People, images, emotions”. “I have never been domineering, I have never abused my power,” he clarified there, but admitted that he “sometimes used a wrong tone.” He had “disputes” with some new employees “because I was not satisfied with their work.” But he never wanted to “extra hurt” anyone. He has already apologized for the slap in the face that he gave an employee after he was not allowed on set because he was very drunk, “and he accepted my apology.” He lost control and decided that this shouldn’t happen again in the future. He also sought the help of a therapist.

Many birthday calls make him nervous

“When this story about me was published, dozens of friends contacted me. My phone was no longer idle,” said Schweiger in the “Bild” interview. “It will definitely be like that again for my birthday, and that’s already making me nervous because at some point you won’t be able to answer every message anymore.” It is difficult for him to judge whether friends have turned away from him because of the allegations. “But I know exactly who the people are who didn’t contact me. But it didn’t really surprise me.”

His film “The best is yet to come!” is currently showing. in the cinema. Things are also going well for Til Schweiger in his private life: he revealed that there is a woman in his life again. But he didn’t want to reveal anything more about it. But he raved about the fact that he has been a grandfather for three years. “It’s an incredibly beautiful blessing. I told my daughters when they were 17 that it was time for them to have children because I really wanted to have grandchildren. Of course, they just asked me if I was crazy. Now it’s mine Son became father first.” But he hopes that his three daughters will also have children. “I certainly wish so, but I can’t force her – unfortunately. If I could, I would probably do it.”


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