tips for paying less for these mandatory documents

DPE, diagnostics and soon energy audit are obligatory passages when selling or renting a home. In addition, from September 1, the legislation changes. However, the price of these analyzes remains unclear because it is not regulated by law. MoneyVox helps you see more clearly.

What’s the difference between diagnostics, an ECD, or the newcomer called an energy audit? The first two are generally linked to the sale of a property or its rental. DPE – energy performance diagnosis – is a simplified heat balance, valid for 10 years and carried out by a trained and certified diagnostician, explains the specialist in the allodiagnostic sector. All qualified professionals are listed in a search engine of the Minister of Territorial Cohesion.

More broadly, in the context of a sale, it is asked to push the research further: other diagnoses are then added: the analysis of electrical or gas installations or the search for parasites, termites, asbestos , lead or the Carrez footage. This is what we call diagnostics.

Real estate: these diagnoses from which the seller cannot escape

When it was created in 2006, the DPE took recent gas and electricity bills into account, in particular to assess the level of consumption of the dwelling and its energy rating. That time is over and the thermal performance reading grid is now stricter.

For the worst classified – F and G – a mandatory energy audit will be carried out for any sale from September 1. This in-depth examination of the dwelling combines energy diagnosis and recommendations for work solutions. He clearly identifies the heat losses, the pathologies… Then, he must make at least two work proposals, one in several stages, and one in a single stage. Everything is encrypted.

Energy audit – Work path
for efficient renovation
Proposal n1Proposal n2

Journey by taps:

Step 1 – Gain of at least one class (min. E)

For class F/G dwellings before works:
Intermediate stage – min. class C.

Final step: min. class B

Course in a single tap.

Goal: min. class B.

According to the State, nearly 5 million thermal colanders exist in France, but some specialists fear that in-depth examinations bring this number to nearly 8 million.

The schedule of sanctions

Properties classified F or G will be sanctioned from August 25 with a ban on increasing rents when signing a new lease.

Eventually, rental will be prohibited for:

  • dwellings consuming more than 450 kWh of final energy per m and per year, as of January 1, 2023, i.e. below G;
  • Class G housing from 2025;
  • Class F housing from 2028;
  • Class E housing from 2034.

Here is the full schedule

Unframed prices

The impact of this new document on the value of properties remains difficult to determine even if the mention Housing excessive energy consumption is gradually appearing on real estate advertisements. But the adventure is not over. When we try to determine the price of the DPE, the diagnostics or the energy audit, the story thickens.

The Interprofessional Federation of Real Estate Diagnosis (Fidi) reminds MoneyVox of the essentials: There is no regulatory framework for the price of an ECD or any diagnosis. The same is true for the energy audit. The price is free and we can imagine a DPE 1 euro….

Hence the need to compare prices and compete. The DPE is paid by the seller for a sale, by the contracting authority for a new construction and by the landlord for a rental. Its cost is deductible from rental income when the landlord opts for the actual tax regime. It can also be reimbursed by the real estate agency to the seller, once the deed of sale has been signed.

From 52,300 euros…

On average, it costs between 100 and 250 euros for accommodationspecifies the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (Ademe) in a 2016 study. Requested by MoneyVox, the Ademe had no more recent study to provide but according to our research, we find that the asking price for a detached house is higher than for an apartment, equal surface area. A range confirmed by Audrey Zermati, Effy’s strategy director, specifying most of the time to insist on the random side of the bill.

Thus a real estate agency Blot of the Rennes crown informs MoneyVox that the average amount of the invoice is between 200 and 300 euros. The site explains to us that the DPE of an apartment costs an average of 100 euros and that this price goes up to 115 euros for a house.

According to allodiagnosis, the price of a single DPE starts from 52.03 euros including tax, travel expenses included. An important clarification because transport can weigh heavily on the amount depending on where you live. The price then changes according to the area of ​​the property and the date of the appointment. 52.03 euros for an ECD, an attractive price but perhaps much higher at checkout.

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Discounts and packages

So how do you reduce the bill? Often the real estate agencies have agreements with a diagnostician which makes it possible to reduce the cost thanks to a free discount. The diagnosticians also offer packages including ECD but also the Carrez law footage, the identification of materials and products likely to contain asbestos, the observation of the risk of exposure to lead, the state diagnosis relating to the presence of termites in the building, the electricity diagnosis, the gas diagnosis and finally the state of pollution risks. the package amount is often between 350 and 500 euros excluding tax, according to the experts consulted by MoneyVox.

Individually, the gas, electricity or Carrez meter analyzes are invoiced from 53.55 euros by when that for detecting asbestos costs between 100 and 150 euros.

An audit invoiced between 400 and 1000 euros?

The greatest vagueness is also required for the energy audit set up from the start of the school year. According to Audrey Zermati, the expected price will be between 800 and 1000 eurosplus the price of ECD and other research.

Laetitia Caron, General Manager of advances an average amount of 550 euros today but which depends on the geographical area concerned. She hopes the price will drop 400 euros by September thanks to the work of its allodiagnostic partner to automate the drafting of the twenty-page report.

As part of the audit, and only this one, individuals can apply for MaPrimeRnov’ assistance. Depending on your income, it can reach 500 euros.

How much does an energy renovation cost?

If the DPE of your home or its energy audit is bad, it will be necessary to consider work to rent or sell it. According to, it is necessary count in 400 600euros per m to obtain an efficient renovation (passage of a GB or C label).

The passage from one level to the other side around 15,000 euroson average, according to and requires heavy work such as complete wall insulation.

Some financial aid for renovation, such as the MaPrimeRenov’ scheme, is paid according to the energy performance of the home, after the work has been carried out.

Loan works: the comparison of offers

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