Tips were received – Was dead Kicker driving the wrong way?

26-year-old Marko Varga died in a horror crash on the Westautobahn near Pucking on Saturday night. The footballer may have caused the accident himself as a wrong-way driver. At least, according to the police, several witnesses claim to have recognized the young father’s black Audi.

Everything was perfect in Marko Varga’s life: a four-year-old son, a beloved partner, scoring the first goal for the new club Donau Linz on Friday evening and thus maintaining their top spot in the national league. But since Saturday, 2:10 a.m., everything has been different – the young family’s life has been turned upside down. Died in the hospital. The serious accident occurred on the western highway towards Vienna with a total of four vehicles involved. The 26-year-old Hungarian Marko Varga was thrown out of his black Audi A3 and landed on the road with serious injuries. Rescue workers carried out resuscitation measures on site, but the young footballer died a few hours later in the Kepler University Hospital. The exact cause of the accident is still unclear, but according to the police, there is increasing evidence that the 26-year-old was a wrong-way driver and thus himself was the trigger for the fatal accident. The police received emergency calls during the night that there was a wrong-way driver in the Haid A25 junction area. Witnesses claim to have recognized Marko Varga’s black Audi. Standing across the road, the serious accident occurred in this area a little later. The 26-year-old’s car was parked across the road. An indication that the kicker, who was at home in Gallspach, might have noticed his mistake and was about to turn around. It will probably never be clear why and where the young father could have actually entered the motorway in the wrong way. In any case, the public prosecutor’s office ordered an autopsy to clarify whether alcohol or other substances could have played a role in the accident. Football family in shock What is clear is that the entire football family is in great shock following the 26-year-old’s sudden death. A crisis meeting has already taken place at his club. They want to support the young mother and son (4) as best as possible. Training for the fighting team was stopped and the reserve team’s game on Saturday was canceled.
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