"to be a parent is to feel alone"

On Tuesday, September 29, Adrien Taquet, the Secretary of State in charge of child protection, delivered a speech announcing the measures in favor of the first 1000 days of the child.

Adrien Taquet, Secretary of State for Child Protection, gave a speech Tuesday, September 29, on a Facebook live to address primarily parents and early childhood professionals.
Following the establishment of the expert commission chaired by neuropsychiatrist Boris Cyrulnik, the Secretary of State announced a powerful prevention policy in favor of children but also of parents.

"The first 1000 days, a daily project"

The first 1000 days are decisive for the child, both for his physical and psychological development. This is why the commission composed of experts chaired by Boris Cyrulnik was commissioned to establish a report in order to build a journey of the first 1000 days and support parents.
The secretary of state therefore proposes a course made up of three important stages:

  • Currently optional, the government plans to roll out early prenatal interview (EPP), which will begin from the fourth month of pregnancy.
  • Significant reinforcement of medico-psycho-social staff is planned in several maternities with the creation of 200 additional posts.
  • Home visits. Still taboo in France, postpartum depression is one of the government's main goals. " We must break this taboo by starting by putting words into this suffering, and I want to thank the women who make this possible, especially on social networks ". The government plans to increase the number of " home visits after birth, particularly in week 5 and month 3, which correspond to peaks of depression ".

Support and a specific course for disabled children and parents

Several measures will be funded for parents and children suffering from mental disorders. With a budget of five million euros, the Secretary of State announces the creation of ten new mother-child units, allowing the hospital care of young mothers in depression with their babies.
A Parentality Handicap Compensation service will be created for all people with disabilities. In addition, in each region, a parenting support service for people with disabilities will be set up.

At the same time, children born prematurely will also “ the subject of specific measures with the need to better prepare health professionals for these situations ".

Genuine access to information

Most of the time, some parents find themselves helpless in the face of health professionals who do not all speak the same way. Social media is tempting, and parents find it unverified answers and unprofessional opinions. So how do you fix this problem?

In collaboration with Public Health France, Mr Taquet announces the development of several public health messages, which will be submitted " to health professionals, associations, before they are shared with all French people, and become the common language of all professionals ".

These messages will mainly focus on breastfeeding, diet, exposure to screens, sleep and the importance of wakefulness through play. They will be recorded in health diaries and will be at the heart of a " Application 1000 days »of information and services to support parents in their journey.

Improved working conditions

In order to make it possible to welcome children in an emergency, an improvement in working conditions is planned for childminders. Childminders, who look after a maximum of four children, will have the possibility of taking in one more, in emergency, one week per month. In addition, the government will facilitate access to training and common law occupational medicine.

Engaged in a comprehensive process of clarification, the Secretary of State announced the harmonization of standards in order to facilitate through clear standards " the creation of places and working conditions for childminders ".

Finally, Mr. Taquet announced during his Facebook live the launch of an experiment in several territories for the implementation of reception solutions at atypical hours.

Read also :

The duration of paternity leave extended to 28 days

New support measures for young children and their parents

The government promises bonuses for the professors invested and sanctions for the "dropout teachers"

Video by Loïcia Fouillen