To be able to tell their twins apart, these parents had one of their two boys tattooed

This mother of identical twins had no choice but to get one of her sons tattooed to be able to tell them apart. An astonishing solution at first glance which was nevertheless necessary.

Twins are sometimes very difficult to tell apart, even for parents. Like the Weasley brothers, some people are the same and therefore impossible to recognize. This was the case with the 31-year-old mom who testifies on Reddit. Her twins are identical except that one of the two children, Jack, suffers from a medical condition that requires him to be injected with treatment once a week, while his brother, Adam, is in good health.

After the end of her maternity leave, she went back to work and left her children in the care of her mother-in-law. Unfortunately, the latter ends up making a mistake in administering the treatment to the wrong brother, who ends up in the hospital. “To be honest I sometimes mix them up with my husband. Everyone does. My mother-in-law immediately noticed her mistake calling the samu and they were transferred to the hospital. By the time I arrived Adam had received the reversal agent ”, says the young woman. “He was never in danger. It is a very slow acting drug which at worst would have given her diarrhea within a few days. My stepmother was beside herself. I tried to allay her fears but she refused to babysit the children, who went to daycare. "

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A medical tattoo to change everything

After avoiding the worst, the doctor suggested getting a medical tattoo. A method that leaves a brown spot, easily visible on the skin. The tattoo is of course not permanent since the mark fades over time until the treatment is completed. So, Jack has a two-millimeter brown freckle on his earlobe. A solution that did not please the entourage of the young woman who accused him of wanting to modify the body of her child.

Despite the criticism, this mom knows she made the right choice for her children. Jack and Adam are differentiable for the sake of their health.

* The names of the twins have been changed


Suruthi is a writer specializing in parenting for the Aufeminin, Parole de Mamans and Avis de Mamans websites.
She is also Community Manager for the social networks Facebook and Instagram of Aufeminin …