To encourage blood donations, the great initiative of the Château de Pierrefonds

HASLinking culture and public health is now possible. The French Blood Establishment and the Center des Monuments Nationaux have signed a partnership to honor donors by offering them a unique donation experience. Blood collections are deployed in national monuments, including the Château de Pierrefonds (Oise), on the occasion of the “Blood donation and heritage” operation, organized over several weeks in September and October, according to The Parisian, Tuesday, September 20.

“This collection is part of the operation and is organized around the European Heritage Days 2022. This operation aims to promote blood donation to the general public and thus introduce them to French cultural heritage”, explains we at the castle. After their citizen gesture this Wednesday, September 21, donors will have the opportunity to visit the site for free, accompanied by a guide speaker.

12 national monuments participate

If the organization of collections in historic places had already been initiated in the past, such as at the Musée d’Orsay in Paris, it was greatly accelerated by the two years of health crisis. The French Blood Establishment wanted to continue and “perpetuate” this approach to “diversify its collection offer” and offer donors “different donation experiences”. Twelve sites are participating in the operation this year, the daily said.

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The objective is “to innovate” and “to identify new places to overcome the great difficulties of collection offers which still impact blood donation to this day”, specifies François Toujas, president of the French establishment of the blood.

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