To make your cleaning routine less painful, try the ultra-effective “FlyLady” method

If cleaning proves to be an insurmountable chore for some, it may be time to test the FlyLady method, which is considered ultra-effective to make your cleaning routine less painful.

When it comes to housekeeping, there are different schools. One of them is to give the illusion of a house or apartment in perfect condition and is very practical when guests are about to arrive. But if vacuuming or cleaning windows causes anxiety for some, maybe it’s time to change your approach.

Because, according to Marla Cilley, considered by many as the priestess of cleanliness and tidying, it is important to adopt a particular state of mind when the time comes to make your interior shine. The opportunity to make the cleaning routine less painful thanks to the method FlyLadyan approach that originated in the early 2000s and has been brought up to date on the social network TikTok notably.

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FLyLady: what does this cleaning method consist of?

Popularized again among users of the Chinese social network, the so-called FlyLady method simply consists of seeing the cleaning routine with a new eye. In other words, rather than associating household chores with a chore, they should be seen as something beneficial. Easier said than done, some might say, especially after a long day at work.

FlyLady: how to make cleaning less painful?

Pragmatism and gamification are required to comply with the precepts of the so-called FlyLady method. Indeed, Marla Cilley suggests, for example, on her site to divide the different rooms and spaces of your interior into zones.

It also calls for devoting no more than 15 minutes a day to cleaning them during a fixed week. The house didn’t get dirty overnight, and it’s not going to get clean overnight”she summarizes, as reported by the site MSN. An approach likely to see cleaning sessions in a new light.

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Household: clearly define FlyLady zones

The spaces in the house must be divided into 5 FlyLady zones to optimize cleaning, according to the expert. The first area is the entryway, porch and dining room and will need to be cleaned during the first week of the month. The second cleaning zone is dedicated to the kitchen and must also be carried out during the first week of the month.

In zone 3, we find the bathroom as well as another room in the house, such as an office or a pantry, which should be cleaned the following week. The third week of the month is dedicated to cleaning zone 4 consisting of the master bedroom. Finally, zone 5 is made up of the living room and can be cleaned between the last and first week of the month. Marla Cilley insists on the need to strive to take 15 minutes a day so that the method becomes mechanical and easily integrated into the daily routine.

A journalist passionate about social issues and current affairs, Hugo puts his pen at the service of information. Interested in all themes, from the impact of artificial intelligence on…

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