To motivate – communists offer slice of the budget pie

Kay-Michael Dankl (KPÖ) wants to motivate the citizens of the city of Salzburg to contribute to the budget. There’s something sweet for that.

Citizens of the city of Salzburg can inspect for a week after the draft budget has been submitted and also submit ideas in writing. “According to city law, these must be enclosed with the official report and dealt with by the parties,” explains Kay-Michael Dankl (KPÖ). This is still possible until Wednesday and Dankl wants to motivate the citizens to make use of this right – with a piece of chocolate cake, like the “budget cake”.

But to get hold of a piece you have to come to Mirabell Palace. Because only there is the draft budget available. “Anyone who sees this and makes suggestions can pick up a piece in my office,” says the politician, who criticizes the fact that there is no possibility of viewing on the Internet, but only directly on site.

In the city of Linz, for example, according to the politician, the budget proposal is clearly prepared in diagrams, put online and citizens are invited to make suggestions.

In order to improve the situation in the state capital based on the Linz model, the municipal council will propose: “The population has a right to have a say wherever their tax money goes: from kindergartens and garbage disposal to political party support and expensive prestige projects. Transparency and a real chance to contribute ideas are the least. “
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