To Neil Young’s “Free World”: Blinken rocks in a Ukrainian underground bar

To Neil Young’s “Free World”
Blinken rocks in a Ukrainian underground bar

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US Secretary of State Blinken is currently in Ukraine to provide support. He not only meets President Zelensky and his counterpart Kuleba. Rather, during a surprise visit to a bar, he picks up the guitar and appropriately sings “Rockin’ in The Free World”.

Honoring the Ukrainians’ fight against the Russian invasion in a special way: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken played “Rockin’ in The Free World” by Neil Young on a guitar in a bar during his surprise visit to the Ukrainian capital Kiev. “I know that this is a very, very difficult time,” Blinken said on Tuesday in the Barman Dictat bar, one of the many underground bars in the center of the city.

“Your soldiers, your citizens, especially in the northeast, in Kharkiv, are suffering greatly. But you must know that the United States stands with you, that a large part of the world stands with you,” he continued. “You are fighting not only for a free Ukraine, but also for a free world, and a free world is at your side,” Blinken continued before he began to play.

Blinken arrived in Kiev on Tuesday morning to promise further US support for Ukraine, which was attacked by Russia. During the day he met Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, with whom he had pizza in a pizzeria founded by a war veteran.

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