To protect children from online dangers, count on CAF and those called “Net Walkers”

Alexandre Boero

Clubic news manager

November 9, 2023 at 10:46 a.m.


smartphone social networks

Not everything is perfect, but some are watching out for what teens are doing online © ParinPix / Shutterstock

An initiative of several CAFs in the 2010s, the “Promeneurs du Net” have become real digital sentinels, who protect children from dangers when browsing social networks and online.

Social networks, a real playground for teenagers, can also become spaces conducive to harassment, online games and other dangers, with the addictions and violent behavior that result from them. Faced with this reality, the “Walkers of the Net” are mobilizing as digital watchdogs to detect these uses as early as possible and ensure the safety of young people. Behind this initiative, started in 2012, we find the Family Allowance Fund (CAF).

Les Promeneurs du Net ensure the well-being of young people on social networks

When they enter 6th, 58% of children aged 11 and 12 have at least one account on a social network, exposing themselves to potential risks, such as harassment. Parents and teachers, distraught in the face of young people’s limited mastery of these tools, nevertheless see the emergence of an innovative solution, the usefulness of which we would like to recall on the occasion of National Anti-Bullying Day.

This Thursday, November 9, the government is launching an awareness-raising and identification operation for potential victims. “Net Walkers” are already acting upstream, by detecting dangerous uses on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and Snapchat.

These women and men, youth or parenting professionals, educators or facilitators, intervene on the Internet and social networks by offering listening, advice, answers to questions and direction to the appropriate structures. Their presence on these platforms complements their face-to-face interventions, thus strengthening the safety and well-being of young people.

young people internet apartment smartphone © mojo cp / Shutterstock

Young people are under surveillance by Promeneurs du Net © mojo cp / Shutterstock

A CAF initiative, which came to life more than 10 years ago

In 2020, 2,400 Promeneurs du Net were present on social networks. The approach allows professionals to join a departmental network which offers training, exchanges of practices and resources to strengthen their skills in terms of educational presence on the Internet.

Structures that agree to engage in this process can also benefit from seed assistance of 1,000 euros, for a maximum of two years. Some CAFs grant aid for the purchase of computers, smartphones or tablets. But be careful, engagement is not limited to online presence alone. Signatories must also adhere to a commitment charter.

The National Family Allowance Fund has been discreetly deploying web sentinels since 2012 (at the initiative of its Manche branch, followed by the CAFs of Cher, Morbihan and Ardèche). There are sometimes several dozen walkers in certain departments, such as in Bouches-du-Rhône, where there are 80, including 48 in Marseille. They are determined to explore teenagers’ social networks, including more private groups, to detect and act in the face of situations of harassment, talk of prostitution, dissemination of sensitive content, or preparations for fights.

Sources: CIF, Provence

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