To see at the cinema: a portrait of a woman facing the difficulties of the agricultural world that commands admiration!


This Wednesday, August 11, meet a determined and lively young farmer in the documentary film Anaïs, 2 chapitres, to see at the cinema. A portrait awarded last June with the Grand Prix of the Cinema for Change festival!

Available in theaters today, Anaïs, 2 chapitres is above all the story of an encounter, that of the director Marion Gervais with a young farmer who lives not far from her home. A stroke of fate perhaps, a beautiful friendship for sure.

In 2013, Marion Gervais unveiled to the public her first documentary film Anaïs s’en va-t-en guerre, in which she paints a portrait of this woman whom she describes as “whole, sunny, funny, rock’n’roll, rebellious. A gust of freshness in a world of half-tones. A free girl.”

The Twenty-Fifth Hour

Seen nearly 1 million times on the internet, selected in numerous festivals and awarded a Scam Star, her film opens eyes to the harsh reality of the agricultural world by inviting viewers to follow the obstacle-strewn journey of Anaïs, determined to cultivate her aromatic plants and sell them.

At 24, nothing stops her. Neither the administration, nor the misogynistic teachers, nor the whims of the weather… Despite the doubts, the anxieties, the moral and physical fatigue, the lack of financial support, Anaïs pursues her project with tenacity and passion. For her, it is essential. “If I don’t make it, I honestly don’t know what I’ll do with my life,” she tells the camera. This job allows her to feel free, free to choose to get up in the morning, free to do things her way, free not to impose a life on herself that doesn’t suit her.

And what about love in all this?

10 years later, Marion Gervais meets Anaïs again for a second documentary film that sees her open the doors of her rather solitary daily life to another person. In Anaïs s’en va aimer, the director tells the story of the farmer’s new struggle: Anaïs is now married to Seydou, a young Senegalese man she met during a trip, but his move to France is compromised by the harsh border law. Together, they will have to roll up their sleeves.

“I like to film the moments when existence opens up the field of possibilities and tells the major stages of life, in full swing: love, breakups, the first job, betrayals, death. They are universal and hold up a mirror to us,” emphasizes the director.

Alongside her daily life in the fields, Anaïs must once again battle with the administrative services, this time to allow the man she loves to join her. Marion Gervais films her and Seydou throughout this tortuous ordeal, which can sometimes put their relationship to the test. The director is never far away, in the most difficult as well as the most beautiful moments, sometimes of a striking simplicity.

The Twenty-Fifth Hour

Today, these two chapters of Anaïs’ life are now one in the cinema, united in a single film. A suggestion from producer Juliette Guigon that seemed obvious to Marion Gervais after viewing.

“Discovering 10 years of a simple and combative life unfold in 1h44, before my eyes, deeply touched me and challenged me on the power of the documentary. Documentary cinema allows us to access destinies, struggles, fights and stories in a very sensitive way. It is a matter of experience,” she says.

Now it’s your turn to meet this farmer with the striking portrait of humanity painted by Marion Gervais in the documentary Anaïs, 2 chapitres, in cinemas today!


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