To take pictures of her baby, she forbids other children access to the playground!

On the Reddit forum, a young mother recounted her misadventure with another mother. The latter absolutely wanted the other children to leave so that she could take her baby’s picture.

Some parents would stop at nothing to showcase their offspringeven to the detriment of other children. A mother paid the price a fortnight ago. She recounted her misadventure on the American forum Redditidentified by the site magicmom. “I took my son to a farm. After seeing all the animals, there is a playground with a climbing dome, slide, swings, etc. There are a lot of people that day, about thirty children are playing”she describes. A mother arrived with a baby less than 6 months old. She has her arms full of fancy scarves, faux flowers and a decent camera.”

A strange merry-go-round then unfolds under the eyes of the witness. The baby’s mother “always try to place [ce dernier] down the slide and gets more and more annoyed to see the other children continue to go down it”. Impatience takes over: “So she approaches us, the parents, who are standing aside to chat. […] She simply says: ‘I need all your kids to stop playing for a bit so I can take pictures on the slide‘. We obviously answer him no, that it is a playground, not a photo shoot. A response that arouses the anger of the person concerned, who goes so far as to shout at the other children. “She takes one of her scarves and begins to try [d’attacher son bébé] across the slide to prevent children from descending. She gets more and more angry and ends up shouting: ‘Get your fucking children out of here, this is my photoshoot !'”

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A morning on the farm that turns into conflict

Seeing the situation escalate, one of the parents present will fetch the director of the farmwhile the young mother who testifies remains and tries to reason with the one who does not budge. “Me and one of the fathers are trying to talk calmly, to explain that our kids are playing and it’s not fair to try to stop them for herthat there are plenty of other beautiful places in the park of the farm where she can go to take pictures.” But only the arrival of the director will convince her to leave. “We could hear him screaming and swearing all the way to the parking lot. She sues for discrimination, apparently. What a fun morning!” concludes the author of the testimony. His story did not fail to react to other Internet users, who castigated these parents who believe they are allowed everything.


Passionate about writing, Floréane is interested in a wide variety of subjects. When she’s not writing about current events, the environment or gender issues, she takes refuge under a blanket…

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