Todd Howard talks about it and it won’t please the most impatient

As part of a recent interview, Todd Howard gave some news regarding Fallout 5 which may disappoint as well as reassure fans.

The influential Todd Howard indeed answered several questions from MrMattyPlays on the various projects underway at Bethesda. Among the most interesting points, a long portion given to Fallout 5 and the future of the now very popular license, in particular thanks to the enormous success of the Prime Video series.

The Fallout 5 bomb will take some time to assemble

The Fallout series has definitely had a radioactive effect on the popularity of the franchise since its arrival on Prime Video last April. Millions of new players have started playing Fallout 4 and 76, among others. A critical and commercial success that would have even exceeded everyone’s expectations. Todd Howard recognizes this again in this recent interview. Nothing could be more logical for MrMattyPlays to tackle the question that is burning on the lips of all fans: what about a Fallout 5 or at the very least a new game for the license?

To which Todd Howard replied: “ I obviously can’t speak to other planned Fallout games. However, I can say that we don’t feel like rushing things. For now, the TV series fills a certain niche for the franchise’s history. I totally understand the desire for a new mainline single-player game like a Fallout 5, but these things take time. So we want to do that well and make sure that everything we do for the license, whether it’s this one or The Elder Scrolls or Starfield, allows us to offer impactful moments for both fans and fans. for us “.

The post-apocalypse will have to wait a little longer

Todd Howard therefore once again confirms Bethesda’s ambitions regarding Fallout 5: the priority lies elsewhere. Despite several pressures following the explosive success of the series, the studio intends to maintain the course it has set. Namely continuing to evolve Starfield, notably with the upcoming Shattered Space DLC, then releasing The Elder Scrolls 6. While Fallout 4 was released nine years ago, fans waiting for a new single-player game will therefore still have to chomp at the bit, or possibly be interested in a more multiplayer-oriented Fallout 76, but that is also partly playable alone. It also welcomed Skyline Valley on June 12, a free DLC offering the opportunity to explore a whole new region.

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