Together with Mick Schumacher?: Vettel has an offer for a motorsport comeback

Together with Mick Schumacher?
Vettel has an offer for a motorsport comeback

Mick Schumacher is thinking about making the jump to long-distance racing – and could apparently meet Sebastian Vettel there. Rumors about a test drive are followed by information available to RTL/ntv that the former Formula 1 driver already has an offer: for the 24 Hours of Le Mans.

Le Mans. This myth, all the old stories, this classic with the many legends without the champagne bubble of Formula 1 has fascinated Sebastian Vettel for a long time. “I can well imagine taking part in races like this,” the motorsport purist once said. Now it could be that time next year. And then not in any car, no, in a Porsche. “Nothing has been signed or decided so far, but I have the matter in the back of my mind. I still have time to decide,” Vettel told the trade magazine “auto motor und sport”. The start for the next 24 hours will be in June 2024.

There have been rumors about a comeback for the father of the family since Vettel’s resignation after the 2022 Formula 1 season, and now things are apparently becoming more concrete for the first time. And the 36-year-old is apparently not drawn back to the premier class, but rather to the sports car world championship with the absolute highlight, Le Mans.

Vettel has an offer from the British Jota team, as RTL/ntv has learned. Formula 1 reporter Felix Görner said: “The chance to take part in the 24 Hours of Le Mans excites him enormously. His fire still burns.” Last week there were rumors in France that the Heppenheimer could take part in a test in Spain for the team at the beginning of October. Vettel himself had stated: “If at some point I come to the conclusion that it doesn’t work without racing, then I will drive again.”

If four-time world champion Vettel decides to take this step, he could race against his friend Mick Schumacher next year. Bruno Famin, vice president of Alpine Motorsport and interim team boss of the Formula 1 racing team, recently confirmed that he was in talks with the 24-year-old about a possible involvement in the World Endurance Championship (WEC). Vettel and Schumi junior together at Le Mans – it would be a new, exciting chapter in the history of this classic.

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