Tom Hanks: Hollywood star surprises bride on her wedding day

tom hanks
Hollywood star surprises bride on her wedding day

Tom Hanks took care of a very special wedding photo.

© Tinseltown/

A bride was visibly surprised by Hollywood star Tom Hanks during a photo shoot on her wedding day.

Tom Hanks (65) has once again refined a couple’s wedding day. The Hollywood star surprisingly asked in Pittsburgh if he could take a group photo of a bride with her bridesmaids. The world-famous actor, who is currently in Pennsylvania filming, is said to have introduced himself and then asked for a photo. “Hey, I’m Tom Hanks, I’d like a photo with you” the bride remembers, according to “Newsweek”. He is also said to have told her that she looked beautiful and that he was very happy for her.

“Then we all burst into screams”

The surprised wedding party was completely overwhelmed by the situation, as wedding photographer Rachel Rowland describes: “When it happened, we were all confused at first and it didn’t click immediately. […] Then we all burst into screams.” After the photo with the bride, Hanks also pushed for getting all the bridesmaids in the picture.

“He was everything you would imagine him to be: upbeat, funny, loud and friendly,” explains Rowland. Hanks’ wife, Rita Wilson (65), was also part of the campaign and finally had to go to one of the recordings. By the way, it wasn’t the first time for the Hollywood star. In 2016, for example, he surprised a couple in New York while shooting his wedding photos.

A very special wedding photo

The result of this funny action is now on the Wedding photographer Instagram account to admire. The photo shows the incredulous, surprised face of the bride and her enthusiastically laughing friends.

Hollywood star or not – for those present, despite Hanks, the wedding was the highlight of the day, as the photographer clarifies in the charming text below the photos: “I would like to say that Tom Hanks’ photo bomb was the best part yesterday, but then I would honestly be lying.”


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