Tom Kaulitz loses six kilos in ten days

Tom Kaulitz
Ten days without solid food – singer makes radical fasting cure

Heidi Klum and Tom Kaulitz

© imago images

Tom Kaulitz has lost six kilos. How did he do it? With a radical fasting cure that requires caution. Because she’s not exactly healthy.

Tom Kaulitz, 32, currently only weighs 72 kilos. As he himself says in his podcast “Kaulitz Hills – Mustard from Hollywood”, he has lost six kilos. How the pounds tumbled? With a mixture of lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper and water. The so-called “Master Cleanse Diet” isn’t really about losing weight, it’s more about detoxification and cleansing.

Tom Kaulitz completely abstains from solid food

Only drink for at least ten days. As soon as “you feel hungry”, you should drink a glass of the ominous mixture of lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper and water, according to the “Health Center”. It is said that up to twelve glasses, but at least six, should be drunk every day. Vegetable broth and laxative teas are also allowed. Is that healthy? Experts warn that the “Master Cleanse Diet” should not be seen as a form of diet, rather it is a kind of fasting cure that can be carried out over a short period of time to detoxify the body. Vital vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates are completely missing, which is why nutritionists warn against taking the cure for too long.

Yo-yo effect after “Master Cleanse”?

Due to the radically minimized calorie intake, weight loss is a logical consequence. According to experts, however, this cannot be maintained in the long term. If you start eating normally again, the so-called yo-yo effect can destroy all successes. Has that already happened to Tom Kaulitz? Obviously not!

Did his wife Heidi Klum, 48, take part in the radical fasting cure? Unknown. At least she tried it a few years ago. Other Hollywood greats are fans of the fasting cure. Demi Moore, for example, keeps fasting, and Ashton Kutcher is also a fan of the cure.

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