Tomorrow belongs to us: “Between Bart and Adèle, it’s not just a love story” says Hector Langevin


As Bart and Adèle continue to get closer, can we hope to see the two characters, who share the same injury, soon become a couple in “Tomorrow belongs to us”? Hector Langevin tells us more about this touching plot.

Is a romantic future possible between Bart and Adèle in Tomorrow belongs to us? This is obviously the question that all viewers of the TF1 soap opera have been asking themselves since Bart (Hector Langevin), who is still struggling to mourn Louise, embarked on an epistolary relationship with Adèle (Aliénor Bouvier), a young woman who was also confronted with the brutal death of her companion.

In the episode of Tomorrow belongs to us this Thursday, February 16, Adele will invite Bart to dinner to thank him for everything he has done to find his motorcycle. And the two characters will end up spending the evening with Adèle, in her artist’s lair, where the young woman will confide in her new friend about her intimate life. And make him discover his works.

Hector Langevin, whose character has evolved a lot over the past few months, returned to our microphone on the touching relationship that is being forged between Bart and Adèle, and told us a few secrets about what awaits his character in the next episodes. Without forgetting to mention his reunion with Alexandra Naoum during a sequence broadcast a few days ago on TF1.

AlloCiné: A lot has happened for Bart over the past year, between Louise’s death and Roxane’s pregnancy. How do you view this whirlwind and this more adult evolution of your character?

Hector Langevin: The evolution of my character has been crazy over the last year. The authors and the production of Demain gave me absolute confidence, and I sincerely thank them. I’m thrilled with everything that happened to my character, and I know there are still great things ahead of her.

Bart has really grown up. He took the bottle, and little by little it takes him to something more adult. Which will allow him to experience more mature situations than those in which he was previously. With very interesting decision-making to play.

The writers could have rushed to find him a new love story after Louise’s death, but they made sure to respect Bart’s grief. Is that something you discussed with the production?

For me it was obvious. I was as attached to the Bart-Louise relationship as the public, who adored this love story. And when Nicolas Brossette became the collection director of the series, he understood that very quickly and he immediately respected this love story.

Finding a new love story for Bart wasn’t the main topic at all. He needed more someone with whom he could share this feeling of distress and loneliness in which he found himself. Her best friends, Sara (Camille Genau) and Roxane (Raphaele Volkoff), were obviously there for that. They were really there for Bart. But he also needed someone who was in the same situation as him, to help him evolve and grow. And that’s where Adele came in.

For the past few weeks, we have been following the beginning of a budding relationship between Bart and Adèle. Were you surprised when you learned that your character was going to embark on an epistolary relationship with a stranger?

Surprised, yes and no. I was especially touched by the way it was brought. Once again, with Adele, the goal was not to find Bart a new girlfriend. It was rather to take him to a new situation in which he could confide and write about all this part of his life which was very complicated.

In Tomorrow belongs to us, life situations are often extrapolated. We have love stories very quickly, we heal very quickly. But here, on the contrary, the authors decided to put both feet on the brakes and say “No no, wait, this is not a trivial situation, we cannot let go of Bart with his little background and decide that he will suddenly fall in love again”. They were very respectful towards people who could have experienced this situation in everyday life. It was very well done.

But anyway, since the beginning of Tomorrow belongs to us, we try to deal correctly with many social issues, and I think we have proven ourselves on this. Whether it’s fatphobia, or the LGBT community that has been defended and highlighted, in order to do this as well as possible and to explain to viewers that these social issues exist and that they are important.


There is a beautiful chemistry between Aliénor Bouvier and you. You two have known each other for many yearsI imagine it helped you build that on-screen relationship…

With Aliénor, we were at the Cours Florent together. So when I learned that she was going to play Adèle, it was great. Eight years ago, I shot my first short film. And the main actress of this short film was Aliénor. So the loop is complete, and we find ourselves today on this big project that is Tomorrow belongs to us. We are delighted to work together because there is an ease of work between us, we know each other, we can say things to each other easily. We’re friends and that helps a lot.

How will things evolve between Bart and Adèle in the next episodes?

This relationship will remain ambiguous for a very long time. The mourning of Bart will not be done immediately. It will be very complicated for Bart for a long time. But Adèle will be there to support Bart, even if on the one hand he will be disappointed by the fact that she potentially has a boyfriend.

Then, Adèle will support him during the birth of Sara and Roxane’s baby. So all of that is going to be a little bit ambiguous, and that for a long time because, as I speak to you, it still is. We’re a bit ahead of the broadcast, and it’s still ambiguous between them because it’s not that easy. It’s not just a love story. They are two people who are grieving and who will try to help each other and get up together.

Alexandra Naoum recently resumed her role as Louise for a very touching sequence in the cemetery. Were you happy to find her?

I love working with Alexandra so much that it was obviously a pleasure to shoot this tiny scene with her. But I have the chance to see Alexandra regularly because she directs certain episodes of the series. I often see her on the set as a director, but to find her again as an actress was really great.

It’s a scene where Bart has his back to her, so it was kind of weird. But just to get his voice back, it was great. In addition, the scene was very beautiful, very well written. So yes, we were delighted to meet for this lovely scene.


Has Alexandra had the opportunity to direct you in episodes since she became a director on the series?

Yes, and it was super nice. I think Alexandra is one of the people who know me best on set, along with Anne Caillon and Maud Baecker, because we talked a lot. So when she directs me as a director, we talk very little, because in one look I know exactly what she wants me to do.

You mentioned Anne Caillon. Stay in touch with her and with Clement Remiens despite their departures from the series?

Of course. With Anne, I shared four years of my life, she was my fictional mother. And Clément is Bart’s cousin and best friend, and in the end he became a pillar of my very young career. We were catapulted together into this huge project that is Tomorrow belongs to us and we started together, the same day. It creates a bond that is indestructible.

So yes, we are still in touch, of course. Clément, I have the opportunity to see him a little and hear from him often. Anne, the same, I very often hear from her and she gives me some. Those links are there forever.

A word about your projects? Do you continue to devote yourself to music alongside Tomorrow belongs to us?

Music is always there in my life, and very present. I released a single, “You Know”, with an artist called PRIAM. And I continue to focus on musical projects, of course.

In fact, the time that I don’t devote to Demain belongs to us I spend it in the recording studio to continue to create as much as possible. That’s the only way I can get something nice out of it one day. It’s a real pleasure, and the production teams of Tomorrow belongs to us allow me to have these two hats easily by sometimes freeing up my time, so it’s great.


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