Tomorrow belongs to us: “Martin will spend a lot of time in the hospital” reveals Franck Monsigny

In a coma for several days, Martin’s life now hangs by a thread in Tomorrow belongs to us. Will Commander Constant still make it? Franck Monsigny makes revelations about the future of his character.

Warning, this article contains many spoilers on the next episodes of Tomorrow belongs to us. If you don’t want to know anything, don’t read on!

In a coma since the explosion that occurred while he was trying to help Aurore (Julie Debazac), Martin (Franck Monsigny) is between life and death in Tomorrow belongs to us. Still in critical condition, Commander Constant sees his vital prognosis more engaged than ever.

Worried, Nordine (Youcef Agal) and Raphaëlle (Jennifer Lauret) spend their days at his bedside in the hope that he will wake up. After several days of anguish, the future will finally smile on them in the continuation of the daily newspaper of TF1.

In a new excerpt available on the MyTF1 platformNordine is on the phone with Manon (Louvia Bachelier) when Martin finally opens his eyes and seems particularly moved to see him by his side.

Hardly has he come out of the coma than Martin is already on a war footing. Determined to stay on the investigation, the policeman has only one thing in mind, to help his colleagues get their hands on the person who not only kidnapped Aurore but also tried to kill him.

In an interview with our colleagues from Entertainment TVFranck Monsigny, Commandant Constant’s interpreter, reveals:

There is an exit from function for Martin because he will no longer be able to be operational in the field. Despite everything, he will always be present and involved because when all this happens to him, the investigation is not resolved so we still have to continue to work“.

While Aurora (Julie Debazac) and Roxane (Raphaële Volkoff) are going to investigate in a submarine, there is no doubt that the Sète police will end up arresting Commander Agathe Lembsec (Raphaëlle Agogué), responsible for the events of recent days.

If this affair can then finally be closed, the road to recovery will still be long for Commander Constant. Indeed, at the end of this plot, he will have to go to a rehabilitation center for his leg and take care of him.

According to the actor, “he’s going to be in a wheelchair and going to rehabilitation. He will spend a lot of time in the hospital“.

However, in this new ordeal, the police officer will be able to count on the unwavering support of his son and Raphaëlle. A blessing in disguise since Martin’s misadventure will lead the lawyer to change her mind about the outcome of their relationship. Moreover, Martin and Raphaëlle will even exchange their first kiss in the episode of Thursday, June 22.

This is something to delight fans of Tomorrow belongs to us!

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