Tomorrow belongs to us: Soraya attacked by Noor’s new boyfriend?

In the next episodes of Tomorrow Belongs to Us, Soraya will be the victim of a terrible attack. And everything suggests that her attacker is Noor’s new boyfriend…

Warning, this article contains many spoilers for the next episodes of Tomorrow Belongs to Us. If you don’t want to know anything, don’t read what follows!

As the people of Sète prepare to say goodbye to Renaud, Soraya (Kenza Saïb-Couton) is about to wake up in a cold sweat in Tomorrow Belongs to Us.

In the episode which will be broadcast tomorrow evening on TF1, Soraya returns home after spending the evening with Victoire (Solène Hébert). Hearing music coming from her neighbor Grégory (Ishtvan Nekrasov) and seeing his front door strangely open, the young woman approaches and then discovers to her amazement that the apartment has been completely ransacked. Worse still, Soraya notices traces of struggle and blood in his home.

Unfortunately, an individual appears behind her and puts her to sleep with a handkerchief soaked in chloroform. The lawyer will wake up a few hours later on her couch with a terrible headache and a confused mind.

Was Soraya the victim of an attack or did she dream?

If the young woman will think for a long time that she had a terrible nightmare, several elements will ultimately confirm that she was indeed attacked.

Starting with Gregory who was hospitalized at Saint-Clair hospital that night following an attack in the street. But it’s undoubtedly the bruise she has above her mouth and the small hole on the jacket she wore the day before that will alert her.

Indeed, Soraya was wearing a tulip-shaped pin on her blazer during her attack, which ended up being torn off. Later, it is by recognizing the ring that Gregory wears on his thumb that his suspicions will be confirmed since the attacker wore exactly the same one.

An investigation which risks creating tensions between the Beddiar sisters

Now convinced of having been attacked by Grégory, Soraya will lead the investigation with Gabriel (Martin Mille) and Victoire without speaking to the police.

If her research risks putting her in danger, it could especially create some tensions with her sister Noor (Sahelle de Figueiredo). And for good reason, viewers will soon discover that Noor has been in a relationship with Grégory for some time now.

According to information from Télé Star magazine published on newsstands this week, Soraya will obviously be worried about Noor.whose crush seems to have a violent past“. Soraya will quickly suspect Grégory of domestic violence and of having killed his former girlfriend the evening she was attacked.

Did Soraya hit the mark? Is Noor in danger? Answer soon in Tomorrow belongs to us.

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