Tomorrow belongs to us (spoilers): Valentin is unmasked and attacks a new victim

On Thursday September 15 in Tomorrow belongs to us (7:10 p.m., TF1), the investigation to find Valentin takes a leap forward but the former legionnaire attacks a new young woman…

In the September 15 episode of Tomorrow belongs to us, the investigation to find Timothée (Grégoire Champion) and especially the attacker of Montpellier continues. The young man, who woke up in the middle of nowhere, just manages to find his way to the police station and surprises Aurore (Julie Debazac) and Martin (Franck Monsigny) who are discussing the identity of the victim found dead in the sewers, an English woman. As he arrives barefoot and bloodied, Timothée refuses to go to the hospital before finding what his kidnapper erased after asking him to hack the police servers. He ends up finding his file, which confirms to the investigators that the attacker is Valentin (Thibaut Cattelin) and that he is indeed a former legionnaire. Aurore immediately calls Manon (Louvia Bachelier) to warn her while Victor (Farouk Bermouga) takes his son to the hospital where he finds Elsa (Bertille Boros-Turquin) still shaken but terribly reassured.

Meanwhile, the police go to Valentin and Gabriel’s roommate (Martin Mille) to arrest Valentin, but Gabriel explains to them that his friend is out. He left to win back an ex who had rejected him a month earlier. Aurore understands that he is talking about Manon and calls her daughter again. When Manon listens to her mother’s message, it is too late: Valentin is already there. He asks her to give him a few minutes and confides his feelings for her. In a panic, Manon agrees to give him a chance to distract him, but when he asks her to kiss him, the young woman flees and locks herself in her home. Behind her bay windows, she sees Valentin grabbing a garden chair and getting ready to swing it on the windows…

Camille and Emma make a bet

Before being surprised by the police looking for Valentin, Gabriel has a discussion with Noor (Sahelle de Figueiredo) to whom he confides, with all the assurance of men, thathe was sure to have the internship and that the fact that Raphaëlle (Jennifer Lauret) asked him for his availability was the ultimate proof that it was in his pocket. He rightly accuses Soraya (Kenza Saïb-Couton) of having played against him. The latter admits it, still having not digested the fact that Gabriel kissed her sister by force. However, she explains to her boss that Gabriel has changed and that he would make a good intern, which pushes Raphaëlle to reconsider her decision. Finally on their side Camille (Elisa Ezzedine) and Emma (Luna Lou) made a bet to find out who will manage to get a date first with Adam, the new kid who’s turning heads. If Emma’s technique doesn’t have much effect on her, Camille’s interest in Adam’s photos allows her to have an appointment… at 6 a.m. in a wild reserve to take photos. In the sequel to Tomorrow belongs to us…

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© Capture / TF1

2/12 –

tomorrow belongs to us
He wants to attack Manon

© Capture / TF1

3/12 –

tomorrow belongs to us
Elsa found Timothy

© Capture / TF1

4/12 –

tomorrow belongs to us
Manon didn’t get her mother’s warnings in time

© Capture / TF1

5/12 –

tomorrow belongs to us
Valentin wants to get back together with her

© Capture / TF1

6/12 –

tomorrow belongs to us
Raphaëlle has changed her mind about Gabriel

© Capture / TF1

7/12 –

tomorrow belongs to us
The young man is finally taken on an internship

© Capture / TF1

8/12 –

tomorrow belongs to us
Noor talked to his sister

© Capture / TF1

9/12 –

tomorrow belongs to us
Raphaëlle listened to Soraya

© Capture / TF1

10/12 –

tomorrow belongs to us
Camille made a bet with Emma

© Capture / TF1

11/12 –

tomorrow belongs to us
They want to have a date with Adam

© Capture / TF1

12/12 –

tomorrow belongs to us
Emma has her sights set on him

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