Tomorrow belongs to us: this oversight of the screenwriters concerning Chloé which annoys the fans

This week in “Tomorrow belongs to us”, Chloé (Ingrid Chauvin) was shocked by the love story between Charlie and François. But she seems to have forgotten that Maxime had a relationship with his PE teacher when he was a minor.

In five seasons and more than 1000 episodes, it is not always easy for the scriptwriters of a daily soap opera to keep in mind everything that has happened since the beginning. And the authors of Tomorrow belongs to us proved it well this week.

While the series will be marked this evening by the unexpected and shocking death of a key character, the ark “Red Wedding”, centered on the actions of the killer with the tiger rose, is not the only intrigue which makes react the TF1 viewers.

Alerted by the formalization in broad daylight of the relationship between Charlie Molina (Clémence Lassalas) and François Lehaut (Emmanuel Moire), her French teacher, Chloé (Ingrid Chauvin) was shocked by the situation in the episode broadcast this Wednesday on the One.

So much so that she entrusted Etienne (Patrick Guérineau), the new CPE of Agnès Varda, to think about a disciplinary sanction against François.

For the high school principal, although Charlie is of age, the young woman’s love affair with François is inappropriate because it is a “relation of subordination between a teacher and his pupil”.

A logical speech in the mouth of the principal of a high school, but which is still surprising coming from Chloé. Who seems to have forgotten that his own son, Maxime (Clément Rémiens), himself lived a fiery passion with Clémentine Doucet (Linda Hardy), his PE teacher, for almost a year! And Maxime was still a minor at that time.

The sequence between Chloé and Etienne was therefore quick to react to the fans of Tomorrow belongs to us who indulged in often very funny messages on social networks.

“Chloé quickly forgot that her own son went out with his teacher when he was still a minor”, “Chloé went to complain to Sandrine when Maxime was banging Clémentine?”or “Next scenario, Chloe discovers that she has Alzheimer’s…”we could read on Twitter on Wednesday evening, in the wake of the broadcast of the episode in question.

Even if she is only doing her job, Chloé actually had a short memory this week in Tomorrow belongs to us. And this “oversight” on the part of the authors, who missed the opportunity to make the connection with the controversial love story of Maxime and Clémentine, is surprising enough to be underlined. Both this relationship was one of the defining events of the first seasons of the soap opera.

Fortunately, all is well that ends well since, at the end of Wednesday’s episode, Chloe finally summons François to her office to tell him that he will not be fired. And that she simply asks him for total discretion within the school.

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