Tomorrow belongs to us: “We will see Victoire differently” according to Solène Hébert

Passing through Canneseries, Solène Hébert, the interpreter of Victoire Lazzari in “Tomorrow belongs to us”, confided in our microphone about her character and the Victoire-Samuel relationship.

Allociné: You have been playing the role of Victoire Lazzari in Tomorrow belongs to us for more than four years. How do you view the development of your character?

Solene Hebert : What I find interesting with a daily newspaper and a series that has been running for four and a half years is that we have the opportunity to develop our characters. The Victory of the beginning is not the same four years later. We can thus invest in the character and make it evolve according to the tests. Victoire has grown much tougher and is much more disillusioned about love. We discovered lots of different facets of her and she even discovered other facets of her character in the face of hardship.

Samuel (Axel Kiener) and Victoire have ended their challenge to remain chaste for 40 days and are now a couple. How will their relationship evolve over the next few episodes?

A love story will develop between these two characters. It’s interesting since it’s the first time we’re going to see Victoire in a slightly different sentimental story. Usually she is in something quite “Care Bear”, very tender. There, with the character of Samuel Chardeau, who is very sarcasm, it will lead to a whole new kind of relationship. We will see Victoire differently.

We have just discovered the rapprochement between Benjamin (Alexandre Varga) and Alma (Camille de Pazzis). If Victoire seems to be taking the news rather well, this is not the case for Samuel. Will this budding relationship have an impact on the Victoire-Samuel couple?

Samuel will be stung in his ego. Victoire is more open and she is on the contrary very happy that her ex finds love again. Generally, Victoire is on good terms with her exes. Well, except with those who are in a coma because not much is happening [rires]. All she wants is the happiness of the person she loved so much. No, it’s not going to make a subject. Samuel will quickly understand.

About her exes, is Victoire still determined to prove to Georges (Mayel Elhajaoui) that Vanessa (Victoire Dauxerre) is not a woman for him?

I think she moved on because she saw that she couldn’t do anything about it and that Vanessa had calmed down a bit on the subject. Finally, they found a balance in their couple and Georges seems happy. And once again, Victoire wants to see her exes happy [rires]. Yes, she dropped the Vanessa file a bit. Afterwards, she always keeps an eye on Georges anyway. It’s a bond that has changed. It’s not love anymore but it’s a very strong bond. They will always be in each other’s lives.

What do you hope for the future of your character?

I trust the authors who have so far always surprised me. They brought me beautiful things. I could just ask Victoire to calm down a bit on romantic relationships [rires]. She still chained two relationships in a row but each time in a very sincere way. And it’s also good to defend that because suddenly she was criticized a lot. There were bad fan reactions due to her having several relationships in a short time. It pissed me off because if it had been a man, there would never have been this kind of criticism. It looked like “champion”.

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