Tomorrow belongs to us: what awaits you in episode 1138 of Wednesday March 9, 2022 [SPOILERS]

In the next episode of “Tomorrow belongs to us”… While the police discover the identity of the crow, François reveals his feelings to Charlie. Meanwhile, Sara and Roxane are ready to start a family and another robbery takes place at the Spoon.

Attention, the following paragraphs contain spoilers on the episode of Tomorrow belongs to us broadcast tomorrow evening on TF1! If you don’t want to know anything, don’t read on!

Wednesday March 9 in Tomorrow belongs to us…


In the morning, Irène and Cédric arrive at the police station to see their son who has been taken into custody. Commander Constant then indicates that it is impossible but nevertheless assures that everything is fine. As the policeman has no intention of releasing Lilian right away, Irène threatens to contact journalist friends to tell them about their methods. But nothing helps, Martin still needs to question him. Besides, he asks Irène and Cédric if their son hasn’t recently used their car. Irène confirms this but specifies however that it was she who hit a pole in a parking lot two months earlier.

Martin then joins Lilian in the interrogation room. The young man explains that he bought a backup phone to avoid girls who like football players a little too much. Only, Martin is convinced that he is lying and even goes so far as to think that he bought this phone to send threatening messages to Noor. Despite everything, Lilian swears that it was not he who knocked down the nurse. Behind the one-way glass, Clémence, the witness of the accident, attends the interrogation but does not recognize him.

For his part, Cédric goes to Noor’s bedside then tells him that the police have arrested Lilian and that it is possible that he is hiding behind the threatening messages. Although upset by the situation, he nevertheless makes her understand that the most important thing is that she recovers. Shaking her hand, the nurse notices that she has muscle weakness on the left side. Victoire, who arrives at that moment, therefore takes the opportunity to examine it. As it is possible that she is suffering from a vasospasm, a tightening of the vessels which blocks the blood flow in certain areas of the brain, doctor Lazzari asks Cédric to schedule an angioscanner as soon as possible. If the diagnosis is confirmed, Victoire will have to place a balloon to tighten the dilated vessel.

A few hours later, Cédric informs Soraya that his sister will have to undergo another operation. However, the intervention is fairly standard and everything will be fine according to him. Relieved, the lawyer explains to Cédric that his sister is very lucky to have him as an internship supervisor, but he retorts that he is the very lucky one.

Not far from there, Damien managed to recover all the history of Lilian’s second phone. Unsurprisingly, the police found the photos of Noor and Cédric kissing as well as the many anonymous messages.

Without waiting, Martin joins Lilian in the interrogation room to confront him. At the foot of the wall, the teenager recognizes being the crow. He then indicates that he did this to scare them but also to sow discord within their couple. If he swears that he did not overthrow Noor, he nevertheless reveals to Commander Constant that his father returned late the evening of the accident. Since he was not at work, Lilian believes that he was the one who ran into the young woman.


As Sylvain and Christelle decided to spend the night in a castle near Pézénas, Charlie invited François to spend the day with her at the Moreno’s. Although under the spell of the place, the French teacher is however embarrassed to be here. Despite everything, the couple is more complicit than ever and ends up sharing a moment of intimacy.

Later, François confides in Charlie that he is fine with her and that he likes her very much. In turn, she admits that she has a crush on him. As Charlie is angry with himself for indulging his feelings, François clarifies that he would not take the risk of going out with a student if he did not like her. Immediately, the young woman smiles again and decides to start cooking.

Charlie has prepared gougères but it’s not really a success. In love, François drops them anyway before inviting her to a restaurant in Marseillan to avoid meeting people they know.

In the evening, François and Charlie are in the car to go to the restaurant. Stopped at a red light, they kiss but quickly break off when Charlie sees Chloe crossing the street in front of them. François then hides, hoping that the principal has not seen him. Charlie may point out to her that they are not doing anything forbidden, François points out that he could be in serious trouble if Chloe were to find out about their affair.


Sara and Roxane have returned from their honeymoon in Croatia. If the newlyweds came back with a few souvenirs for their friends, Sara also gave her wife a gift: baby pajamas. Indeed, they are ready to start their family.

Subsequently, Sara and Roxane go to the Spoon. After they tell Bart about their Dubrovnik getaway, they excitedly announce that they want to have a baby. Even if they don’t yet know how they will go about it, Sara and Roxane are determined to become mothers.

In the process, they go to the police station and explain to Aurore that they would like to get pregnant at the same time in order to live this experience together. However, Aurore tempers their enthusiasm a little. After talking to them about the disadvantages of pregnancy, the policewoman reminds them that with a PMA they are not immune to having multiple pregnancies and that they could therefore have four children at once. And to specify that a baby is already a tsunami in a lifetime, so two… Aurore then definitely drives the point home by declaring that one pregnant woman in a couple is more than enough.

Back home, Sara and Roxane make a table to decide which of the two will get pregnant, but they can’t come to an agreement. Although she wants to bear a child, Sara decides to let Roxane be the first, especially since she dreams that he looks like her wife. Happy, Roxane thanks her before telling her how much she loves her.


At the Spoon, Louise and Bart found a new hole in the crate. This time, 100 euros are missing. As Audrey was in charge of cash that day too, the couple indirectly accuse her of helping herself to the drawers but she swears that she would never do such a thing. Aware that there is a real problem, the mother of the family asks them to deduct the amount from her future salaries, but Louise refuses. Audrey therefore promises to be more vigilant in the future.

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