Tomorrow belongs to us: what awaits you in episode 1139 of Thursday March 10, 2022 [SPOILERS]

In the next episode of Tomorrow belongs to us… While Cédric is placed in police custody, Audrey takes the necessary measures to corner the thief. At the same time, Charlie makes a radical decision and Victor struggles to reconcile his two jobs.

Attention, the following paragraphs contain spoilers on the episode of Tomorrow belongs to us broadcast tomorrow evening on TF1! If you don’t want to know anything, don’t read on!

Thursday March 10 in Tomorrow belongs to us…


Lilian was released and returns home in the early morning to the delight of his family. While Jahia tries to find out why the police kept him for so long, the young man looks at his father then claims that they wanted to check that he was indeed on his computer the night of the accident. Tired, he decides to go to bed. Worried about her son, Irene asks her husband to speak to her. Cédric then promises to do so, but not immediately.

At the hospital, Cédric confides in Noor how much he was afraid of losing her. If he is relieved that his son has been released, he blames himself for having thought that he could have wanted to kill her. At this time, the nurse receives a call from the police station to speak to him as soon as possible.

There, Cédric confesses to Aurore and Martin that he has been having a love affair with Noor for more than a month. Apart from Lilian, the nurse says no one else knows. As the police want to know his schedule on the evening of his mistress’s accident, Cédric indicates that he was on duty at the time of the events. And to add that he could never have hurt Noor because he loves her too much for that. While Aurore found Cédric quite sincere and in love, Martin can’t help but think back to the Girard affair. That’s why he decides to check his alibi with the hospital.

A few hours later, Damien informs Commander Constant that Cédric lied. Indeed, the nurse ended his shift at 9:45 p.m. If his phone was off around 10 p.m., he nevertheless stopped at the scene of the accident forty minutes later. Considering that Cédric wanted to silence Noor to prevent her from telling his wife the truth, Commander Constant decides to question him.

Meanwhile, Gabriel goes to Noor’s bedside. Very moved, he apologizes to her for having behaved badly with her. Even if he doesn’t deserve her to be his friend and even less to forgive him, Gabriel admits that he really cares about her. In turn, Noor says she cares about him and makes him understand that this story is now behind them. When he asks her if she plans to come back to the roommate, Noor replies that she doesn’t know yet. Before he leaves, she tells him that alcohol is not a solution and that she never wants to see him in this state again.

In the evening, Irène, Cédric and Lilian have dinner with the family. Unfortunately, relations between father and son are strained, which does not escape Irène who would like to understand what is going on. When Lilian gets up from the table, Irene turns to her husband for some explanation. Annoyed, Cédric retorts that he has no problem with his son then the sum to stop taking his head.

Just after, Martin and Aurore disembark and then place Cédric in custody. While Irène wants to know what he is accused of, Aurore tells her that he is going to be heard in connection with the attempted homicide on Noor Beddiar. Irène, who finds this ridiculous, then tells the policeman that it is simply his trainee, but Martin specifies that they will discuss all this in due course. When she asks what he is implying, Lilian steps in and reveals to her mother that he is cheating on her with Noor. Furious, Irène forcefully slaps Cédric before the police take him to the station.

A few kilometers away, Clémence, the witness of Noor’s accident, seems to be having some financial problems. In the impasse, she calls a number and leaves a message on the answering machine. ” I want my money tomorrow, or I swear the police will know you’re the one who ran over little Noor Beddiar we hear him say.


Before the opening of the Spoon, Damien installs a camera above the bar in the hope of trapping the person who has been stealing from the till for the past few days. The policeman then shows Audrey how it works and thanks to an application, she will be able to consult the video streams. If the thief comes back, she can’t miss it. However, Damien begs Audrey not to take any risks and to call him if she catches the person red-handed.


Charlie is revising Mona when François comes to greet them. The latter does not find it normal that their French teacher is still single. When Charlie points out to her that she doesn’t know about his private life, Mona retorts that she would be the first to know if he had anyone. Indeed, she is convinced that François is very much in love with someone but that it is a thwarted love. While she imagines an impossible love story between François and a woman of the nobility, Charlie enters into her game and depicts this mysterious woman as being fatherless with adoptive parents opposing their union. At this moment, Mona is obviously far from suspecting that Charlie is giving his own description.

For her part, Chloe called François into her office to talk to him about Charlie. Having seen the young couple kissing in the car the night before, she just wants to warn him. Going out with a student, even if she is an adult, is never very well seen. Even if he hears perfectly what she says to him, François specifies however that it does not change anything for him. Chloe, who does not doubt her sincerity with regard to Charlie, then makes him understand that if this story were to become known, she would have a lot of trouble defending him.

Subsequently, this discussion seems to have made Francis think a lot. Insofar as he fears having a certain influence on Charlie, he waits for the end of the course to find out if she really wants to be with him despite their fifteen years apart. Although she does not appreciate that he talks to her like a kid, the young woman guarantees that she is not looking for a father through him. Deeply hurt that he might think that, Charlie adds that she believed him to be braver than that and blames him for questioning everything because he got scolded by the headmistress. When he offers to resume this discussion once they have calmed down, Charlie makes the decision to put an end to their affair so that he no longer has to worry about his reputation.

At the end of the day, Christelle and Sylvain return from their getaway and find Charlie in tears. Immediately, Christelle understands that her little protege is heartbroken and declares that if she is not happy and he is not able to love her, it is that he is not worth it. . But Charlie needs to be alone. Christelle therefore reminds her that she is there for her before leaving her alone.


Victor begins his community service at the hospital. For his first mission, he must help a certain Mr. Dumoret to go up to his room. Bad luck, the patient very quickly recognizes the one who wanted to raze the hospital. Later, Victor brings lunch to Monsieur Dumoret. As he refuses to go for compotes and biscuits in the kitchen, the patient demands to speak to Doctor Delcourt in order to discuss with her the way in which he treats him. However, Victor does not let himself be done and the sum to eat his meal tray. Not appreciating the tone he uses, Dumoret purposely drops his meal on the floor so that Victor can clean up.

Subsequently, Victor is not idle and spends his day cleaning the hospital and its surroundings, so much so that he arrives late to take up his post at the Perraud cabinet. As he prepares to get to work, Raphaëlle indicates that she was forced to do it for him. As she really needs someone on reception permanently, she plans to spend him part-time but Victor insists because he really needs the money. Raphaëlle therefore gives him a week to prove himself.

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