Tomorrow belongs to us: what awaits you in episode 1295 of Friday, October 14, 2022 [SPOILERS]

In the next episode of “Tomorrow belongs to us”… While Amanda is arrested, Soraya decides to enjoy life. At the same time, Adam must make a choice.

Attention, the following paragraphs contain spoilers on the episode of Tomorrow belongs to us broadcast tomorrow evening on TF1! If you don’t want to know anything, don’t read on!

Friday, October 14 in Tomorrow belongs to us…


Amanda breaks into Martin’s house and hides in a room next to the kitchen unaware that the policeman has seen her and is going to set a trap for her. Indeed, Martin goes downstairs to use a glass of water and lets the tap run to bring her out of her hiding place. Faced with the armed policeman, Amanda also holds him in check. To prevent the situation from degenerating, Martin therefore suggests that they both put their weapons on the ground at the same time. Amanda then pretends to play along but immediately takes her back. Luckily, Martin quickly disarms her and manages to stop her.

The next morning, Amanda is questioned by the police. In a very detached way, the young woman admits to having killed Yoann Champion. According to her, he and Sophie got what they deserved. When Captain Saeed informs her that the lawyer survived her injuries, Amanda comes to regret not having fired several bullets to eliminate her. Faced with these terrible acts, Amanda has no regrets except for not having succeeded in killing Martin, which she considers responsible for the death of Ulysses.

Later, Georges tells her that she is going to be brought before the judge. Before she leaves, however, the policeman would like to understand why she was so detached during her interrogation. Amanda therefore replies that the Amanda he knew died with Odysseus. Since she lost the man of her life, she no longer believes in anything. With tears in her eyes, she tells him that they were planning to have a baby and that everything fell apart with the Messys. Although he understands that she suffered a lot, Despite everything, Amanda has no regrets and believes that she did the right thing.

Leaving the police station, Amanda meets Sophie who apologizes to her but the nurse ignores her then gets into the truck which will take her to prison.

Martin is still disturbed by Amanda’s words, so much so that he keeps thinking about the Spoon’s hostage-taking in order to understand where he could have been wrong. He then confides in Lisa who reminds him that he has done his job. According to her, the most important thing is that the other hostages got out alive. Grateful for her support, Martin thanks her warmly.

Not far from there, Hadrien, Alma and Benjamin have a drink at the Spoon. Now that he is out of danger, the English teacher hopes to finally be able to enjoy her son. Unfortunately, Hadrian announces to him that he is returning to Bali the following week to find a normal life and his friends.

At the end of the day, a man with blood on his T-shirt buys a pickaxe, a tarpaulin and some lime…


Noor and Gabriel once again yielded to temptation and spent the night together. Nevertheless, the two lovers persist in saying that they are simply friends.

Subsequently, Noor finds Judith at the farmhouse and tells her that she slept with Gabriel. She may say that they are just friends, Judith remains convinced that they should get back together.

For her part, Soraya is in a bad mood, which did not escape Gabriel who thinks that his meeting with Stéphane did not go well. Later, Soraya confides in her sister that she has no intention of seeing Stéphane again. If she did not fall in love, she is especially afraid of suffering since her stories with Rémy and Thomas. Noor therefore advises him to enjoy life and have fun.

A piece of advice that Soraya finally decides to follow by making an appointment with Stéphane at the Spoon with the firm intention of taking the next step…


Emma is disappointed with her photo session with Adam. Indeed, the young woman fears to have been bad and that the photos are missed by her fault. In reality, the teenager is especially disappointed that the son of François does not really pay attention to her and also fears that he has views on Amel. To reassure her, Camille is sure that if something has to happen between her and Adam, it will happen.

Meanwhile, Adam looks at the photos he took the day before. Charlie then teases him, all the more so since she is convinced that Emma has a crush on him. An opinion that Adam does not share because for him, they have nothing in common.

Later, Amel looks in the mirror and doesn’t think she’s beautiful. She even feels like she’s transparent compared to the other girls in high school. Lisa then enjoins her to stop devaluing herself and regain her self-confidence.

For his part, François helps Adam to make a choice for the photo contest because he hesitates between a photo of Amel taken natural and a much more sophisticated one of Emma. To solve the problem, François advises him to send two photos. That of Emma under her name and that of Amel under a nickname.

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