Tomorrow belongs to us: what awaits you in episode 1307 of Tuesday, November 1, 2022 [SPOILERS]

In the next episode of “Tomorrow belongs to us”… While Delphine has a cardiac arrest, Elsa is not pregnant. Emma does not seem indifferent to Alex.

Attention, the following paragraphs contain spoilers on the episode of Tomorrow belongs to us broadcast tomorrow evening on TF1! If you don’t want to know anything, don’t read on!

Tuesday, November 1 in Tomorrow belongs to us…


Since discovering that the prosecutor Perraud lied, the investigators wonder if he would not have pushed the hustler down the stairs in revenge. To get to the bottom of it, Aurore and Martin set out to find Sébastien, who cannot be found. And for good reason, after spending the night drinking, Sébastien fell asleep in his car.

For their part, Manon and Dorian take great care of their grandmother and bring her breakfast in bed. As Brigitte tells them that she didn’t sleep well because she thinks a lot about Régis, Manon and Dorian try to cheer her up.

Meanwhile, Martin shows up in Raphaëlle’s office and asks for her help in finding Sébastien. Certain that her father is not linked to the aggression of the scammer, she categorically refuses. Only, Martin is very clear. If he doesn’t see Sébastien within the hour, he will issue an official search warrant. At the foot of the wall, she leaves a message on her answering machine.

Back at the police station, Commander Constant reviews the investigation with his team. Given the evidence, Martin has no choice but to open an investigation for attempted homicide against prosecutor Perraud. The police therefore issued a search warrant.

At the hospital, Delphine shows signs of waking up. After slightly moving her fingers, the young woman opens her eyes for a few seconds before closing them.

Later, Sébastien arrives at the hospital and asks to see Delphine. Unfortunately, Noor explains to her that she is much too weak to receive visitors. Despite the ban, the prosecutor still goes to Delphine’s bedside. Troubled, Sébastien caresses her face and declares that she really drove him crazy. He then leans over her face and seems to start strangling her for a few seconds until the monitor starts ringing. After releasing her, Sebastian watches her gasp for breath. When he arrives in the room, Doctor Daunier grabs a defibrillator and tries to resuscitate her…


Victor and Timothée have breakfast at the Spoon. The opportunity for the young man to tell his father that Elsa is pregnant and that they are going to keep the baby. In shock, the businessman is also worried about the future of his son and especially for his studies. Aware that they won’t have a lot of time if they go to a big school, Timothée knows on the other hand that his father’s schedule is quite flexible. For him, it is therefore Victor who will take care of the child when he is not at the crèche. Words that make Victor laugh nervously.

His head elsewhere, Victor then goes to the Perraud firm to settle the fees for Sophie’s defense and tells Raphaëlle that his son’s girlfriend is pregnant. Although he has made a lot of progress, he still cannot believe that Timothée imagines himself capable of raising a child. Raphaëlle assures that he will quickly come to his senses.

Meanwhile, Elsa tells Manon that Timothée reacted very badly when he learned that she was pregnant. Moreover, she has not heard from him since his announcement. For Manon, she just has to give him some time to digest the news. However, Elsa fears that he is in the throes of a crisis and is leaving her for fear of not being able to handle the situation. In order to reassure her, Manon says to herself that he loves her too much to do such a thing. While waiting to hear from her, Elsa has had her blood drawn and is feverishly awaiting the results. If the test confirms that she is pregnant, she plans to have an abortion because she feels that they are too young to have a baby. Moreover, given Timothée’s reaction, she is not sure that their couple will be able to survive this.

In the afternoon, Timothée joins Elsa in front of the school grounds to tell her about the arrival of their future child. Indeed, he has prepared a schedule to optimize their sleep time when the baby is there and even makes her understand that she will have to express her milk when she has to be absent so that he can take care of it. At these words, Elsa understands that her boyfriend wants to keep this child but above all that he plans on the long term with her. Reassured, she kisses him tenderly.

Soon after, they head to the hospital. The results of the blood test are definite, Elsa is not pregnant. The pregnancy test Manon gave her had expired, so it was a false positive. Even if they had considered everything, they are relieved not to have a baby… right away!


Since Alex gave her compliments, Emma is on a little cloud. While having lunch with Judith, she tells her that her family looks like the perfect families you see in pubs for breakfast. She may recognize that her parents look like a model couple, Judith specifies however that they have separated several times. When Emma tries to find out how things are going between them today, Judith implies that they are spinning the perfect love. An answer that seems to bother Emma.

Subsequently, Emma joins Raphaëlle in her office to talk about her work of general interest. It must be said that the lawyer received a call from Alex who praised the young woman. The latter then declares that she loves Alex very much and that he was able to restore her confidence in her.

Later, Emma meets Adam at the Spoon and invites him for a drink to chat. Once settled at the bar, she apologizes to him for having been strange when he was with Camille. Reconciled, the two teenagers rediscover their bond.

After that, Emma goes to the farmhouse to give Alex an oyster knife engraved with her name. But when Chloe arrives to drive her husband home, she finally changes her mind.

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