Tomorrow belongs to us: what awaits you in episode 1405 of Friday April 14, 2023 [SPOILERS]

In the next episode of “Tomorrow belongs to us”… While Jules takes Manon hostage, Damien and Audrey are getting married. For his part, Benoît confesses.

Attention, the following paragraphs contain spoilers on the episode of Tomorrow belongs to us broadcast tomorrow evening on TF1! If you don’t want to know anything, don’t read on!

Friday April 14 in Tomorrow belongs to us…


At the police station, Georges informs Commander Constant that an unknown number called Virginie Corkas yesterday afternoon. This is a call made from a prepaid phone at the old disused bus depot. The two police officers then understand that the train for Perpignan was only a decoy and that Jules is still in Sète.

Meanwhile, Myriam wants to give Manon a present to thank her for taking care of Nordine. That’s why she decides to take him to Montpellier to give him a nice pair of sneakers. As they prepare to take the car, Jules, hooded and armed, disembarks and points his gun at them. He then orders Myriam to get into the vehicle but Manon intervenes and then takes her stepmother’s place. Before leaving, Jules warns Myriam that if she wants to see Manon alive again, she will have to do what he tells her and pay.

For her part, Aurore is back in Sète after training. If the policewoman is happy to find her husband, her happiness is unfortunately short-lived since she receives a call from Martin who tells her that Manon has been kidnapped.

Not far from there, Nordine arrives at the police station and throws herself into her mother’s arms. After making sure that everything was fine, the policeman asks his father to put him back on the investigation to arrest Jules once and for all. Commander Constant retorts that it is not possible but swears to keep him informed as soon as he has something new.

Several kilometers away, Jules and Manon are on the road. The opportunity for the Corkas son to confide in what he is currently going through. With tears in his eyes, he talks about his mother’s illness but also about their critical financial situation. Although understanding, Manon nevertheless points out that he is robbing a friend. Angry, Jules points his gun to his head and then orders him to shut up.

At the same time, Martin and Karim discover Myriam’s car and Manon’s phone in an industrial area. Convinced that Jules and Manon are not far away, Commander Constant orders the area to be searched.

At the Dauniers, Myriam receives a message from Jules in which he demands 150,000 euros in cash in exchange for the release of Manon. Faced with pressure, Myriam and William decide to organize themselves to raise the sum as quickly as possible, but Martin rules out giving in to blackmail. Being certain that Jules will never hurt Manon, the policeman prefers to set up a mousetrap to trap him. For her part, Nordine disagrees with her father and reminds him that he almost died because of him. Jules being suicidal but above all desperate, Nordine does not intend to wait for him to hurt Manon.

At the same time, Jules and Manon stopped in the middle of nature to spend the night. When the Daunier daughter asks for news of Virginie, Jules at first refuses to talk about it but ends up saying that her life has become a real hell since her father’s death. According to him, they would not be here today if he were still among them. Even if she is touched by his story, Manon nevertheless points out to him that he could not have done anything against his mother’s illness. For Jules, Virginie wouldn’t have fallen ill if she hadn’t been alone. In tears, he then tells her of his fear of losing his mother.


In the early morning Audrey and Damien return home after a night spent at the hotel. The mother of the family waits while her companion slips into the shower to destroy all the chocolate chickens in the hope of finding the engagement ring she had hidden. In vain.

Later, Jack and Rayane spend time at the Roussels’. After exchanging a passionate kiss, Jack offers his boyfriend to eat a chocolate chicken that he has put aside for him. Biting into it, the son Saeed falls on the famous ring. If it makes her happy to see Jack so invested in their story, Rayane humorously clarifies that they are not yet adults. Jack then certifies that he does not ask him in marriage.

Convinced that the ring belongs to Damien, Jack, Jordan and Lizzie try to make their stepfather understand that it’s not a good idea to propose to Audrey again. As he does not understand what they are alluding to, Jack shows him the ring they found. Nevertheless, Damien retorts that she is not his. They therefore understand that it is not he who wanted to make his request but Audrey.

In the evening, Audrey, who has recovered the ring, waits for Damien to come home to kneel down and propose. Moved, Damien accepts and kisses her passionately. Jack, Lizzie, Leo and Jordan, who were listening at their bedroom door, hasten to join them to congratulate them. In turn, Damien takes an engagement ring out of his pocket which he offers to his future wife.


Amel and Lisa look nostalgically at a family photo album when a snapshot particularly catches the attention of the policewoman. Without waiting, she goes to the place where she is hiding Benoît then shows him a picture of her parents taken twelve years earlier. In the background, the SVT teacher can be seen spying on them. While Benoît reminds her that they lived in the same city, Lisa replies that the photo was not taken in Argenteuil but in a park more than 20 km from their home.

This may well be irrefutable proof of his obsession with the Hassan family, but Benoît denies everything. Certain that he is the monster of Argenteuil, the policewoman declares that he must pay for what he has done. She then pushes him to his limits by telling him that he did not act as a vigilante and even less in order to protect children from abusive parents.

She also explains to him how much she and her sister suffered when their parents died. When she adds that they loved each other and their daughters more than anything, Benoît cracks and shows his true face. He then yells at Lisa that she doesn’t understand anything and that she doesn’t know why he killed them all.

In a black anger, Benoît says that she is wrong about her parents. As they constantly argued, they would end up destroying her and her sister. According to him, they were like all the people he killed, that is to say poisonous for their children. And as much to say that Benoît feels no regret for what he did because he wanted to avoid them at all costs what he experienced.

Indeed, Benoît was mistreated by his parents. In 17 years, no one has helped him. He then admits to having got rid of them to put an end to his ordeal. After that, Benoît acted whenever he heard a child being threatened. This was the case for Sara and Roxane whom he saw in a park arguing instead of taking care of their daughter. Same for the Delcourt girl who almost died for lack of care. And for Alma and Benjamin, Benoît believes that they did not deserve to have a child since the English teacher was going to have a baby only to please his companion. In reality, Benoît regrets not having succeeded in killing the others.

Although in shock at these revelations, Lisa tells Benedict that he didn’t save them but destroyed them. When Lisa announces that she is going to take him to the police station so that he repeats everything he has just said to her, Benoît starts laughing and categorically refuses.

In order not to take the risk that Benoît kills again, Lisa indicates that the only way for him to get out of here is to confess what he did. For his part, Benoît sees another possibility: that Lisa kills him. Obviously the policewoman has no intention of doing so because she wants him to be accountable to justice. However, Benoît does not want to end his life in prison. Also, he leaves her no choice: either he leaves here free and he will accuse her of having kidnapped him, or she kills him while concealing his crime. While speaking, Benoît pulls with all his might on his chains and manages to free himself. Immediately, Lisa points her gun at him and summons him to back off. In vain. Benoît approaches until he feels Lisa’s gun on his chest then pushes her to finish it off once and for all. Shortly after, a shot rang out…

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