Tomorrow belongs to us: what awaits you in episode 1436 of Monday, May 29, 2023 [SPOILERS]

In the next episode of “Tomorrow belongs to us”… Soizic is threatened by the blackmailer who wants to interfere in Vanessa’s trial. Bruno is worried about having surgery and Manon tries to help William.

Attention, the following paragraphs contain spoilers on the episode of Tomorrow belongs to us broadcast Monday evening on TF1! If you don’t want to know anything, don’t read on!

Monday, May 29 in Tomorrow belongs to us…

Soizic threatened by the blackmailer

Threatened by a hooded man with a knife outside her home, Victoire was saved thanks to Lisa’s arrival at that time. At the station, she testifies to Aurore but no specific details come to mind. According to Victoire, it’s all Vanessa’s fault who wants to prevent her from testifying at the trial.

Aurore informs Lisa that Sébastien has been the victim of a blackmailer. His theory is that Vanessa wants to change her judgment with the help of an accomplice, who officiates for her outside the prison. Victoire is certain that the psychopath wants revenge on her in relation to Georges.

The latter fears that his ex is indeed the mastermind behind all these events. He also thinks he might be an admirer of Vanessa. He asks Aurore to question her again to get to the bottom of it and she accepts. Georges therefore questions the imbalance.

Vanessa swears that she doesn’t know anything and that she has changed, she wouldn’t hurt Victoire anymore. She assures him that she does not read the letters of those who write to her and repeats to him that her greatest regret is to have lost him. At the same time, Victoire is not on her plate at work. She thinks back to her assault.

Soizic finds her and announces that she will be a juror at Vanessa’s trial tomorrow. Victoire tells the whole story to her colleague and she is in shock. At the beach, Amel and Adam also talk about the criminal. She confides to her boyfriend that she is afraid for her cousin… Adam tries to reassure her but he does not know that someone is watching them nearby.

The couple are having fun on the sand but the mysterious individual who is spying on them is now aiming at them with a gun! For the moment, the shooter does not pull the trigger but films the teenagers. He sends the video to Soizic. He knows that she will be a juror at Vanessa’s trial and orders her to follow his instructions if she doesn’t want him to go after Adam for good!

Bruno is going to have surgery

At the hospital, Soizic meets Bruno. He is not insensitive to her charm but his flirting attempt fails miserably… The doctor feels that he has drunk alcohol on his breath. Bruno goes on a date with Aaron.

The doctor explains to him that he has quite serious health concerns because of his alcoholism. Bruno is frightened but his operation is scheduled for the next day… At the same time, Soizic tells Julie that she was heavily accosted by a patient earlier, without knowing that it was precisely the student’s father!

Bruno comes besides to greet his daughter, which puts Soizic in the embarrassment. She quickly leaves and he decides to tell Julie everything about her date. Shortly after, he meets Nathan at the Spoon and also reports to him what Aaron recommended to him. The young man hides it but he is worried about his father.

In the evening, Julie and Nathan spend some time with Bruno. His children tease him because they know their father is terrified. He admits to realizing that life is short and he needs to spend as much time as possible with them. To do this, he planned to drink a beer… without alcohol.

Manon helps William

Nordine takes a picture of Manon while she sleeps and she doesn’t like it. In revenge, she in turn takes a picture of him while he is in his underwear! Finally, he lends himself to the game and strikes a pose more and more. Suddenly, William arrives and attends this moment which then becomes very embarrassing!

In the kitchen, Nordine apologizes to the doctor but the latter tries to calm the atmosphere. But the cop does not know where to stand and talks nonsense! William tells him that he doesn’t need to know more… and asks him to be more vigilant in the future.

It is then Manon who will discuss with William, she is uncomfortable because of what happened this morning. The doctor assures him that he is not angry but admits to him that he is indeed concerned. One of his colleagues asks him for help to raise funds to finance research on a disease. William confesses to not knowing how to go about recovering money.

Manon suggests that he take inspiration from the “Ice Bucket Challenge”. She is doing research to help her father and has an idea that she thinks bright: produce a calendar with sexy pictures of cops and sell it! Nordine is not convinced… She shows him the example of the Brussels policemen who did the same thing.

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