Tomorrow belongs to us: what awaits you in episode 1511 of Tuesday September 12, 2023 [SPOILERS]

In the next episode of “Tomorrow Belongs to Us”… While Vanessa tracks down Georges, Myriam tries to separate Manon and Nordine. At the same time, Bruno faces reality.

Warning, the following paragraphs contain spoilers for the episode of Tomorrow Belongs to Us broadcast tomorrow evening on TF1! If you don’t want to know anything, don’t read what follows!

Tuesday September 12 in Tomorrow Belongs to Us…


In the early morning, Georges goes to the hospital and informs Victoire that Vanessa is back in Sète. A shock for the young woman who thought she would be rid of her once and for all. While waiting to corner her, Victoire will therefore be placed under police protection. Only, she fears that the serial killer has returned to finish the job and eliminate Georges. The latter then assures that they have put a large device in place to trap her.

At the Spoon, Sara announces the terrible news to Bart and Mona. Faced with their concern, the police officer ensures that they will all be placed under protection. When Bart asks if Enora will also be protected, Sara says no. Only Vanessa’s potential targets will. So she promises him to be careful.

At the police station, Damien has just received the first analyzes of the explosion at the Agnès Varda high school and everything suggests that it was a gas explosion. Vanessa would therefore have triggered this from the attic before fleeing. Only, Damien doesn’t understand why she would have blown up a school when she has a habit of killing people in a methodical manner.

At the same time, the wanted poster concerning the killer turned up nothing, which does not really surprise Georges who thinks that his ex-partner must have disguised herself to escape them. That’s why he wants to question all their informers to find out if they saw something. For him, there is no question that Vanessa will escape him again and it is now a personal matter.

Meanwhile, Vanessa rings Georges’s doorbell but quickly discovers that he hasn’t lived here for several months. A hard blow for the young woman.

Not far from there, Bart announces to Adele that she too will be placed under police protection. Indeed, investigators believe that Vanessa can go after all the people he loves. If she understands that he is distressed, she nevertheless makes him understand that they are not going to live in fear because of this woman. As Louise told him the same thing before her death, Bart refuses to make this mistake again because he couldn’t bear to see anything happen to her.

At Saint-Clair hospital, Chloé and Alex are at the bedside of Marianne, who is still in a coma. Gilles, who was going around in circles at home, joins them then they all have lunch together in the hallway.

Meanwhile, Soizic is at François’ bedside. She then takes advantage of him being asleep to make a statement to him. Even if everything is over between them, she explains very moved that he will always remain the man of her life before telling him that she loves him. What Doctor Vernet doesn’t know is that he heard everything.

At the police station, Damien has news. The conclusions of Agnès Varda’s analyzes confirm that the gas leak was accidental and that it came from the Curtis apartment. As Vanessa had nothing to do with this explosion, Georges understands that she is in Sète only to take revenge on him because he betrayed her.

In the streets of Sète, Mona is not reassured despite the protective device. And she is right since Vanessa follows her track.

At the end of the day, Marianne wakes up but no longer feels her legs…


Before leaving town, Myriam meets Simon one last time. She then tells him that his son’s girlfriend understood that she was involved in this pollution affair. As she is afraid of losing her son, the lawyer advises her to separate them.

Shortly after, Myriam finds her son and does not waste a second to tell Nordine that her girlfriend continues to think that she is responsible for this pollution story. And to add that she was aggressive towards him. Although Manon is stubborn, impulsive and has difficulty admitting her wrongs, Nordine assures that everything will return to normal. A relief for Myriam who was afraid that he would doubt her.

Later, Nordine arranges to meet Manon at the Spoon in the hope of easing tensions between her and Myriam. However, the Daunier girl does not want to pretend and maintains that she suspects Myriam. Obviously, Nordine takes it badly and defends her mother. Unable to bear her questioning Myriam’s word, he leaves with his mother.

Back home, Manon tells the whole story to her mother. While Aurore finds it normal for Nordine to defend her mother, the young woman persists in saying that Myriam is guilty. She is even certain that she is trying to turn Nordine against her. Afraid that he will end up leaving her, Aurore says she is convinced that he will be able to make sense of things.


At the Spoon, Adèle removes her paintings from the walls when Bruno tries to find out if she has sold a lot of paintings. The young woman confirms it and it is also a nice surprise for her. Indeed, Adele did not think she would be so successful in a restaurant. Bruno first congratulates her then explains that he too is an artist. When he shows her his paintings, Adèle advises him to strengthen his drawing technique and learn to work with perspectives. When she offers to give him lessons, Bruno declines because he prefers to keep his originality.

Bruno then arrives at Sylvain’s house to repair his washing machine. Bruno quickly notices the numerous paintings displayed in the living room. While he brags about having sold a work to a bourgeois woman he met at Spoon, Christelle arrives.

Bruno then cannot help noticing that his painting has not been hung on the walls. Without beating around the bush, she lets go that he was ugly. A disappointment for Bruno who believed he had talent and a career.

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