Tomorrow belongs to us: what awaits you in episode 1518 of Thursday September 21, 2023 [SPOILERS]

In the next episode of “Tomorrow Belongs to Us”… While Georges is taken into police custody, Marianne leaves the hospital. At the same time, Manon and Nordine reconcile.

Warning, the following paragraphs contain spoilers for the episode of Tomorrow Belongs to Us broadcast tomorrow evening on TF1! If you don’t want to know anything, don’t read what follows!

Thursday September 21 in Tomorrow Belongs to Us…


Simon is still held hostage by Vanessa and the latter is doing much better. She no longer has contractions or bleeding. She also ordered some fruit to make a pie. Simon tries to find out what she is going to do with him but Vanessa doesn’t want to talk because she has no desire to get upset for the well-being of her baby.

Meanwhile, Soizic and François have breakfast together. The opportunity for Doctor Vernet to tell her how touched she is that he welcomes her. It must be said that it does him a lot of good to be with them. If she thought a lot about them during her confinement, Soizic above all realized how much they missed their family life. François then makes him understand that even if they are no longer together, they will always remain a family. A discussion that did not escape Charlie.

Afterwards, François bought croissants for breakfast. Looking at the bakery’s logo, Soizic realizes that it is the same sign as the one located next to the hotel where Vanessa was hiding.

Warned by Soizic, Aurore, Sara and Georges immediately go to the hotel and find that Vanessa has already left. While inspecting the premises, Georges finds bloodstained tissues in the trash can. At his worst, he quickly leaves the room to get some fresh air. As he struggles to sort things out, Aurore confides to Sara that she is keeping him on the investigation to keep an eye on him.

Back at the police station, Aurore asks Damien and Sara that all information from the investigation passes through her before it is communicated to Georges. Indeed, Captain Jacob thinks that their colleague is unreliable at the moment. She fears that Georges will compromise the investigation or worse, that he will do something stupid.

Not far from there, Charlie takes advantage of lunch with Christelle to confide. Indeed, the young woman feels left out since Soizic moved into the apartment. Although Christelle tried to reassure her, Charlie understood very well that her rival was trying to get her family back. Enough to make her a little angry with François who pretends not to understand. Christelle then advises Charlie to be patient, certain that the situation will eventually get better.

At the Spoon, Bart confides to Adèle how crazy it drives him to know that Vanessa is still running around in the wild. In addition, the young man thinks that Vanessa is twisting Georges’ brain and fears that he is still in love with her. In fact, Bart can no longer trust him.

For his part, Georges receives a call from Vanessa. In tears, the latter makes her believe that things are not going well at all and that she is suffering from terrible stomach pains. Since she no longer knows what to do, Georges tries to convince her to go to the hospital for treatment but the young woman refuses and then begs him to help her. Finally, Georges breaks down and promises to find a solution together.

At the end of the day, Georges is preparing to leave the police station when Aurore calls out to him. Having wiretapped him, she knows full well that he is about to join Vanessa. She therefore asks him to hand over his weapon before placing him in custody for obstructing a criminal investigation.


At the hospital, Marianne prepares her things, determined to return home. Renaud tries to make her understand that she still needs to rest but Marianne can no longer stand being locked up. She therefore gives her husband the morning to organize her outing.

At the Spoon, Étienne pushes Bénédicte to go see Marianne. Indeed, the latter thinks that his wife should help Doctor Delcourt with his rehabilitation. According to him, it could even be beneficial for both.

Not far from there, Renaud arranged to meet Gilles. Worried about his wife, the doctor would like his brother-in-law to watch Marianne when he is not there. Gilles then agrees to be the small staff that no one notices but who runs the shop.

In the afternoon, Marianne leaves the hospital. Doctor Delcourt quickly loses her smile when she realizes that she will have to return in a van with Bruno Paoletti as driver.

Back at home, Gilles takes care of Marianne even if she does not hesitate to make him go crazy.


Nordine has not heard from Manon since her last message. As he cannot come to terms with the idea that their story is over, Roxane suggests going and talking to the young woman. However, Nordine refuses that she thinks he went to cry on her shoulder.

Subsequently, Nordine waits for Manon to arrive at the police station and gives her back her thong to start a conversation. The couple eventually reconcile and kiss.

Later, Roxane takes the opportunity to meet Manon to ask her if she has reconciled with Nordine. The latter making her believe that this is not the case, Roxane tries to convince her to give Nordine a second chance. And suffice to say that the young woman does not skimp on the arguments. When Nordine arrives and kisses Manon, Roxane realizes that the couple has made fun of her. Although this makes her laugh, she nevertheless teases them for being cruel to her before hugging them.

At the end of the day, Manon and Nordine are at the Spoon and decide to burst the abscess in relation to Myriam. If the Daunier daughter maintains her accusations against her mother-in-law, she nevertheless believes that their relationship is much more important and suggests that they leave the whole story behind them. Which Nordine accepts.

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