Tomorrow belongs to us: what awaits you in episode 1560 of Monday November 20, 2023 [SPOILERS]

In the next episode of “Tomorrow Belongs to Us”… The time for confession has come for Camille. At the Spoon, Mona finds an opponent her size. Noor does against bad luck, with good heart.

Warning, the following paragraphs contain spoilers for the episode of Tomorrow Belongs to Us broadcast Monday evening on TF1! If you don’t want to know anything, don’t read what follows!

Monday November 20 in Tomorrow Belongs to Us…

Camille confesses

At Mont Saint-Clair, Corentin is on the verge of detonating the bomb located under the bench where Dorian is sitting. In fact, the teenager has nothing more to lose. Since the death of his mother, he has suffered a series of hard blows. His only hope was to be able to join an e-sports team. A hope destroyed by the explosion at the high school for which he judges Bénédicte responsible. Now he plans to take revenge by killing Dorian.

At the same time, Luna and Camille arrive to stop him. On the way, Camille called the police. Georges sends a team there. Meanwhile, Camille declares that Corentin is taking revenge on the wrong person because she was the one who blew up the school. Corentin suspects her of bluffing, but Camille is convincing. This was enough for the police to arrive to arrest and take away the young man. The teenagers are saved. Dorian thanks Camille for lying to save his life.

The next day, Laurent was released by the police, while his son was placed in police custody. When he meets him, Laurent promises to help him get out of there. Corentin admits to being afraid, while his father bursts into tears.

For their part, Raphaëlle and Maud want to toast the intelligence of Camille who managed to save everyone thanks to her bluff. But the latter admits that she simply told the truth. Accompanied by her mother, she goes to the police station to deliver a full confession.

Facing Karim, Camille says that she went to see Dorian on September 6 and that she heard Luna’s laughter coming from her room. She who had doubts about the fidelity of her boyfriend had just had proof of what she feared. Deeply hurt, Camille only thought of revenge. She turned on the gas without thinking about the consequences, until her phone rang. Camille then closed everything behind her before leaving. At least, that’s what she thought. When the school exploded, the girl was overcome with guilt. In tears, she explains that she was incapable of denouncing herself. Behind the one-way window, Sébastien feels the blow.

Karim then calls Bénédicte to inform her that she is innocent in the affair of the high school explosion because Camille is the real person responsible. Dorian is furious. He is even more so when he learns that his mother refuses to file a complaint against Camille. In fact, Bénédicte prefers to say that it was an accident in order to move forward.

As for Raphaëlle and Maud, they feel guilty for not having noticed Camille’s suffering earlier. They are worried because Camille risks up to a year in prison. Sébastien encourages them to pull themselves together to work on Camille’s case and avoid such a fate.

Valère unmasks Eloïse

Bart, who still doesn’t know that Eloïse has taken Adèle’s place, is on cloud nine. At the Spoon, when Eloïse receives a call from her banker who tells her that she is overdrawn, Bart spontaneously offers to relieve her financially by paying her rent. Mona, who overhears their conversation, does not hesitate to give her point of view, emphasizing the danger of financial dependence within a couple. Behind Bart’s back, Eloïse sharply reprimands Mona.

A little later, Mona is still in a bad mood. She tells Roxane in what tone Adèle spoke to her. Roxane advises her to be lenient. At the counter, Valère, Adèle’s ex-boyfriend, tries to speak to Bart. Mona informs him that he will not return until the next morning.

In the evening, Eloïse goes to Adèle’s bedside in the hospital. In order to continue her plan, she administers a product that helps prolong his coma. Eloïse is then far from suspecting that Valère is observing her.

When she leaves the hospital, Valère calls out to her, sure and certain that she is not Adèle. But Eloïse plays the game to perfection. Even when Valère pins her against the car while threatening her, Eloïse does not let herself be intimidated.

She finally returns home at night. Before joining Bart in his room, Eloïse, who has a split lip, tries to clean her blood-stained blouse in the kitchen sink…

Noor feels guilty

At the hospital, Noor tells Soizic about the conversation she had with Gabriel the day before. She keeps thinking about what he said, including how everyone was unhappy. Soizic advises Noor to stop worrying, to reconnect with her sister, to let her live her story with Gabriel and to find a new guy.

Later, Marianne tries to find out from Soizic about the latest gossip concerning Noor following the scandal she caused some time ago. But Soizic doesn’t give up.

Soizic finds Noor, whose thinking has evolved. Indeed, she is ready to admit that she does not feel happier knowing that Gabriel and Soraya are separated and therefore, unhappy.

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