Tomorrow belongs to us: what awaits you in episode 1682 of Thursday May 9, 2024 [SPOILERS]

In the next episode of “Tomorrow Belongs to Us”… An escape turns into a disaster. Sara leaves Roxane to simmer while Timothée puts on a big show. Renaud is preparing a surprise for Marianne.

Warning, the following paragraphs contain spoilers for the episode of Tomorrow Belongs to Us broadcast tomorrow evening on TF1! If you’d rather not know, don’t read on.

Thursday May 9 in Tomorrow Belongs to Us…

Aurore disrupts Bénédicte’s escape

Having taken the day off, Aurore calls Manon at the hospital to ask her to come see her during the day. Enthusiastic, the young girl asks him to bring her a cookie from a bakery she loves. After hanging up, Aurore gets into her car and drives off… without realizing that Étienne is tailing her in a black sedan.

At the hospital, William goes to see Bénédicte. He expresses his concern that she will start harming herself again once in prison. Her sister promises her she won’t do it. William encourages him to hold on.

In a corridor, Manon meets Victor and Timothée. She takes the opportunity to apologize for causing the accident. Unlike his son, who still has a little trouble getting over it, Victor doesn’t blame him. He also recognizes his wrongs. Seeing that Timothée is still being targeted, he encourages him to be more lenient, thus initiating a reconciliation between him and his friend. Back home, Timothée prepares an apple pie to cheer up his father, who is very touched by his attention.

Meanwhile, after stopping at the bakery, Aurore prepares to get back into her car. But Étienne grabs him by the arm and drags him to the black sedan. He threatens her with a gun so that she goes inside. Aurore complies, immediately understanding that he is indeed the author of the burglaries of recent days and that he intends to make Bénédicte escape. Étienne confirms that he is ready to do anything for his wife.

A little later, it’s time for Bénédicte’s transfer. William and Manon meet in the hospital parking lot to attend, being surprised by the absence of Étienne and Aurore. Karim and Nordine escort Bénédicte to the van before getting into a car to follow him to the remand center. In their hideout, Dorian and Luna wait for a sign from Étienne.

On the road, Karim and Nordine follow the van, while Étienne’s sedan comes in the opposite direction to block his path. Karim and Nordine immediately get out of their vehicle, while Étienne points his gun at them. He takes Aurore hostage, ordering Karim to release Bénédicte. The Police Captain obeys him and releases Bénédicte. As she walks towards her husband, Étienne releases Aurore. As she reaches her sister-in-law’s level, Aurore attaches her handcuff to her wrist so that they are linked. Aurore then declares that if the Curtises leave, she wants to leave too…

Roxane makes efforts to catch up

After dropping Enora off at daycare, Roxane finds Sara who is finishing her breakfast. Despite the tensions that persist between them, Roxane makes efforts. She thus affirms that their daughter is starting to take a lot of facial expressions from her. Uncomfortable, Sara cuts short to go shopping. Roxane offers to take care of it as well as dinner.

At the Spoon, Sara admits to Bart that his wife is trying so hard to make up for it, to the point where it becomes embarrassing. Bart plays down the situation: he points out that Roxane didn’t say that she didn’t want a second child at all. She just needed more time.

In the evening, Roxane makes churros for dessert. Sara barely eats any because she is no longer hungry. Roxane admits that she no longer knows what to do to stop being mad at him. Sara assures that she doesn’t blame him. On the other hand, she admits to having difficulty coping with being the only one in their relationship to feel a deep desire for motherhood.

Renaud is preparing a surprise for Marianne

Chloé secretly meets Renaud at the Spoon to help him organize a surprise trip to Marianne for their wax wedding. Seeing the big picture, Renaud decided to organize a family road trip in the American West. Only Bart won’t be able to come.

At the hospital, Marianne surprises Renaud buying a pair of hiking shoes on the Internet. She can’t help but tell him that she finds them ugly.

Meanwhile, Chloé and Alex confirm to Diego that he is indeed part of the family road trip. This will allow him to see Judith and meet Maxime there.

At the hospital, during her break with Soizic, Marianne discusses traveling. With summer approaching, she begins to think about what she would like to do.

In the evening, Marianne dines with Renaud at Spoon and suggests that they take a big trip to California during the summer. The latter accuses him of having searched in his computer and of having discovered his surprise. Marianne assures us that no: they are simply on the same wavelength!

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