Tomorrow, live Twitch special inventions and innovation with Science et Vie Junior!

If you are a Géo Trouvetou at heart, our daily newspaper for May 17, 2024 should interest you. Bastien Lion will be on set with Danielle McCaffrey and Guillaume Rolland to talk about inventions and innovation. The first is the editor-in-chief of the magazine Sciences et Vie Junior, the second is an entrepreneur who took his first steps as an inventor thanks to the Innovez competition of the same magazine.

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The inventor’s journey

How do you become an inventor? At what age can you start? Where does this lead? So many questions that we will try to answer as precisely as possible. The opportunity also to talk about the Science et Vie incubator, which will allow budding entrepreneurs to take action, patent their discovery and publicize it in order to find financial partners.

In short, a vast program to discover tomorrow from 11:30 a.m. on the Twitch des Numériques channel. Come with your questions, your curiosity and your observations!

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