Tomy, the sexy fisherman of Saint-Jacques: a reconversion in the modeling? : Current Woman The MAG

Its passage in 1:15 p.m., Saturday propelled him to the forefront. Saturday 19 December 2020, Tomy Journaux, until then anonymous, had created the buzz after his appearance in a report dedicated to the fishermen of the bay of Mont-Saint-Michel. The reason ? Her beauty and musculature had seduced many viewers, who had not failed to react on social networks. Several hundred articles had also flourished on the Web. What to open unexpected doors to the young man of 28 years.

Sunday January 17, 2021, France 2 released a new document. Journalists from 1:15 p.m., Sunday again set off to meet the scallop fisherman, who reacted to this enthusiasm. "This is pretty crazy", he admitted. If he shows great humility, Tomy Journals has made some surprising revelations. "People have contacted me to do modeling or things like that ", he explained. However, the beauty cannon is not ready to go that route. And that's the least we can say. "It's not my delirium", he blurted out. He prefers to use this notoriety for the benefit of his profession, which fascinates him. "You have to use it in order to make things happen for fishing, to talk about my business", he stressed. And her partner, what does she think of it? It seems that the lucky one is serene, and not so jealous. "Madame trusts me. She knows I'm tough, so that doesn't worry her too much. She lets me live the thing ", he confided, in full transparency.

"It's quite complicated to manage"

This is not the first time that Tomy Journaux has spoken about his success. Asked in The Morning of CNews Friday, December 25, 2020, he said: "It's starting to get a lot of publicity. It was quite complicated to manage. (…) I have a lot of requests from mainly contenders. " A situation that seemed to make him uncomfortable. And to discuss the many opportunities that presented themselves to him: "I also have quite a few requests from interested people who wish to work with me, work on my product, who understood the message well that I wanted to convey in this report originally and that's great. " A very beautiful story!

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