Tonight on TV: AlloCiné viewers rated this superhero film which borders on perfection 4.5/5

Every day, AlloCiné recommends a film to (re)watch on TV. Tonight: the unequaled superhero film, which united critics and audiences like never before.

Batman at its peak: there is only The Dark Knight to be unanimous. The trilogy of which this second part is the pillar is the one that will have allowed Christopher Nolan to meet both critical and commercial success.

If he had acquired international recognition with his second film, Memento (2000), then had gone from independent cinema to studio cinema with Insomnia (2002), the rise of the gifted director has reached new heights here.

In a burst of genius, his trademark, he then chose realism to tell the story of one of the most sacred heroes…

It is in a heavy atmosphere and a chaotic political context that he evolves an unloved Batman, plagued by doubts, who tries somehow to eradicate organized crime from dark Gotham.

But a great threat is looming on the horizon: facing the mysterious Dark Knight, it is the most deranged and unpredictable villain of pop culture who imposes himself… until he steals the show!

Embodied by an inhabited Heath Ledger, the mythical Joker comes to life. Frighteningly iconic, the actor’s performance, unfortunately posthumously Oscar-winning, remains unforgettable and inseparable from the film.

In his field, The Dark Knight is essential, close to perfection, he who remains a reference for all films of the genre to come. It is indeed considered one of the greatest superhero films ever made but also one of the best films of all time quite simply.

Its audacity, its unbearable suspense and its crazy action scenes have contributed to its fame. A notoriety accompanied, since the release of the feature film in 2008, by more than a billion dollars in profits generated.

But more than a superhero film, Nolan’s work is a thriller that has the particularity of talking about comic book characters, this time terribly rooted in our reality. Among its themes explored: terrorism and the limits of ethics and morality, so many sensitive social issues that allowed the film to stand out.

This justifies the average of its audience rating on AlloCiné: a score of 4.5 out of 5 which testifies to its influence on a conquered audience and which ranks it in 2nd place among the best films of all time on our site, ex -aequo with The Godfather, The Escapees, the Lord of the Rings trilogy and many other high-level masterpieces.

The Dark Knight, le chevalier noir by Christopher Nolan with Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, Aaron Eckhart…

From 12 years old

Tonight on TMC at 9:25 p.m.

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