Tonight on TV: when the Kick-Ass star launched into science fiction

Every day, AlloCiné recommends a film to (re)watch on TV. Tonight: an apocalyptic sci-fi film that will have you glued to your seat!

Four waves of attacks, each more deadly than the last, decimated almost the entire Earth. Terrified, suspicious of everything, Cassie is on the run and desperately tries to save her younger brother. As she prepares to face the fifth wave, as inevitable as it is fatal, she will team up with a young man who could well represent her last hope – if she can trust him…

This pitch, which is frightening to say the least, is that of The 5th Wave, a particularly effective SF film led by Chloë Moretz, revealed six years previously by her role as Hit-Girl in the cult film Kick-Ass. Adapted from the young adult novel by writer Rick Yancey, which garnered critical and public acclaim and spent more than 20 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list, this 2016 theatrical release has it all. what you need in your bag to satisfy fans of apocalyptic sci-fi!

Dark atmosphere, spectacular special effects… The 5th wavewith a superb introductory scene, is an excellent science fiction film in which Chloe Moretz, as an ordinary teenager confronted with an extraordinary situation, proves particularly convincing. Well seated in your chair, you should be won over!

Note for the small anecdote that three months after the start of filming of The 5th Wave, the film team had to deal with a “small” unforeseen incident with one of the sets. During a scene filmed in the state of Georgia, the explosion of a bus on an avenue was bigger than expected: 40 windows were broken and ceilings collapsed, destroying storefronts and causing a building to catch fire. When the subject of a film, namely the apocalypse, really comes to fruition on set!

Warning: scenes, comments or images may offend the sensitivity of spectators

Tonight on 6ter at 9:10 p.m.

Chloë Moretz: “The 5th wave forces you to question yourself”

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