Tons of paper saved – Coop only prints receipts on request – News

  • The retail group Coop will no longer automatically print out receipts in its stores.
  • Customers will now only receive a slip of paper at the cash registers if they explicitly request it, according to a statement from Coop.
  • By doing without automatic printing, Coop says it saves more than 400 tons of paper a year.

In addition to the supermarkets, the new way of handling receipts also applies to the food departments of the Coop City department stores, the Karma and Sapori branches and Coop To Go.

Automatically printed receipts have not been available at the Coop self-checkout tills for more than two years. There, customers choose whether they want a printed receipt or not. If you use the Supercard, you can activate a digital receipt there that lists the purchases.

By using paper more sparingly, the company wants to come a step closer to its goal of becoming a waste-free company.

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