Too short skirts, jeans… Brigitte Macron cash on her fashion missteps as first lady

In a rare interview with Sophie Davant, Brigitte Macron returned at length to the dress protocol that her status implies. The first lady admitted to having already made some mistakes.

At the start of 2023, Brigitte Macron is very present in the media. The reason ? The first lady is in the middle of Operation Yellow Pieces, of which she is the president. For the occasion, the wife of the President of the Republic grants numerous interviews. And the least we can say is that some are much more intimate than others, like the one given to journalist Sophie Davant for the magazine S le Mag. Brigitte Macron returned to several important points in her life such as her first marriage or her daily life at the Elysée.

But what readers have especially remembered is when Brigitte Macron spoke about the relationship to her age and her way of dressing as an ambassador of fashion in France. Far from wanting to be a fashion icon, the first lady still has very thoughtful outfits that highlight French craftsmanship: “I understood that by wearing these clothes, I show the world what the workshops are doing in France. So I see myself more as an ambassador. I am committed to highlighting French know-how through the clothes and accessories I wear.“.

Brigitte Macron: “I made a few mistakes…”

But being the wife of the President of the Republic, if it brings many advantages, also has its share of disadvantages. Asked about any missteps she could have made in her clothes, Brigitte Macron immediately spoke about the length of her skirts and dresses. “I am from a generation where people dress quite short…I lengthened it a bit, because I had to! I learned by making a mistake. During a visit to NATO , I wore a slightly short black dress. We learn…”

Obviously, if there is no strict dress as there might be at the level of the British royal family, Brigitte Macron must comply with a few rules. Much to his chagrin: “Before the Elysée, my favorite outfit was jeans accompanied by a fitted jacket and stilettos. It was my uniform. That’s how I like to be dressed. I made a few mistakes when I left the plane in jeans once or twice”. Yes, everyone learns from their mistakes.

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