Toothache Home Remedy: What really helps


With toothache we can not always go to the dentist immediately. These toothache home remedies can relieve the symptoms for the time being in a gentle way!

Toothache: home remedies that really help

Mostly, toothache always comes just when we have no opportunity to see the dentist – for example, at the weekend or in the middle of the night. And not everyone wants to take a drug for the pain on the tooth immediately. So what do you do? Toothache home remedies can be a gentle alternative to bridging the time to visit a dentist.

Home remedies for toothache at a glance

If you want to treat your toothache in a gentle way, you can try the following home remedies :

  • Ice pack or cold towel: Cold reduces blood flow to the inflamed area, thereby reducing toothache. Just put a cold towel or ice pack wrapped in a cloth on the cheek for ten to twenty minutes. Every two to four hours may be cooled again.
  • Oil pulling: There is no scientific evidence that oil pulling causes anything, but trailers attribute many health effects to the method. If you have a toothache, simply put one tablespoon of high-quality vegetable oil in your mouth and gently pull it through your teeth for about two minutes, then spit the oil into a cloth and dispose of it as household waste. The oil should be able to bind bacteria and thus to transport out of the body.
  • Saline solution: Rinsing your mouth with salt water has various health effects – even toothache can be so alleviated. Simply dissolve enough salt in warm water and rinse your mouth with it for two minutes. This can be repeated as often as necessary until the pain on the tooth subsides.
  • Tea: Tea with anti-inflammatory effects such as sage, chamomile and peppermint are also a proven toothache home remedy. Just make the tea as usual – but with twice as much tea as usual – and rinse at regular intervals through the mouth. The aching tooth can also be dabbed with a piece of tea through a cotton swab.
  • Carnation: The carnation contains the active ingredient eugenol, which is released when you bite on the dried carnation. Eugenol has an analgesic effect and is also used in dentistry for the treatment of various diseases.
  • Onions: Onions have proven themselves not only for earache, but also for aching teeth. Their essential oils relieve inflammation. An onion is cut into small pieces, wrapped in a paper towel and lightly pressed onto the aching cheek.
  • Tea tree oil: Although tea tree oil smells and tastes relatively idiosyncratic, it does, however, counteract many germs on the teeth and gums. If you have a toothache, you can either rub your cheek with it or put a drop in a glass of warm water and use it as a mouthwash.

That’s why you should not ignore toothache

If the home remedies strike against toothache and you get a queasy stomach at the thought of the dentist’s visit, you might come up with the idea to push this long before him. That is a very bad idea! If there is a proper toothache treatment – whether caries is the cause or something else – further health problems can occur. For example, the bacteria that have entered through the hole can travel across the bloodstream and cause heart valve inflammation. Therefore, toothache home remedies are only a temporary solution – as soon as possible you should have your pain treated by a professional!