Top 30 Flat Jokes: Bet You’re Laughing?

flat jokes
Bet you laugh?

©Getty Images

Flat jokes aren’t called that for nothing, that’s for sure. But let’s be honest, these are still a bit funny, aren’t they?

by Marie Stadler

Yo, actually, we’re way too smart for lame jokes. That’s true, but it’s no use to us. In any case, no one in our editorial team made it to joke number 10 without laughing. can you do better Try it!

1. Why should you never drink coke and beer at the same time?

Because then you collapse.

2. What do cars like to eat most?

parking lot

3. Who lives in the jungle and always cheats?


4. “Tell me, is the fish always this annoying?”

“Yes, he is a sturgeon.”

5. Why are skeletons bad at lying?

Because they are so easy to see through.

6. What does the big pen say about the small pen?


7. How was the mood in the GDR?

She kept her limits.

8. What do bosses drink?

tap water

9. What does a clown do in the office?


10. What do you call a rabbit at the gym?


11. Two magnets meet.

One of them says: “What am I supposed to wear?”

12. What is green and is just around the corner?

A lettuce

13. Walk two toothpicks through the forest. A hedgehog comes by.

One of the toothpicks says: “I didn’t even know there was a bus here.”

14.What’s cute and jumps smoking across the field?

A chimney

15. What sits on a tree and waves?

A whoo

16. What is white and looks through the keyhole?

A fitted sheet.

17. What is pirates’ favorite food?


18. I don’t understand why my plants always dry up.

Jochen, 54, is on the hose.

19. What do you call someone who pretends to throw something?

A headlight.

20. What does a cat dream of at night?

From a sore muscle

21. A mathematician jumps out of the window and flies up – what happened?

sign error

22. What shoes do journalists wear?


23. Two voyeurs meet. One asks: “And what are you still doing today?”

Says the other: “Let’s see”

24. Where does a cat prefer to live?

In the rental house

25. What has fur, lives in the forest and always screams: “Bullet! Bullet! Bullet!”

A pen

26. What is red and says on the copier?


27. Where do cows go on vacation?

In Kuhba

28. What’s yellow and can’t swim?

an excavator

29. What do you call a dolphin with underpants?


30. A rocker walks into a flower shop and asks:

“Where are all the roses?”

So who else is in the game?

By the way: flat jokes are not actually jokes in the classic sense, but simple word games – or called puns. Sometimes the narration makes us laugh, sometimes the person making the joke makes us laugh. In any case, we found one or the other unexpected punchline to die laughing at.


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