Top fastest cars and bikes in GTA Online

GTA Online has a lot of different cars and vehicles, but in the end everyone just wants to go as fast as possible. So we made a list of the fastest cars and motorcycles in the game.

In the history of GTA Online, Rockstar Games has filled the multiplayer title with new content, most of it coming in the form of new vehicles and new races to use them in.

You have a wide variety of choices in Los Santos. You can go for something that simply looks cool like the Taipan Horse, something that has the classic swag like the Coquette Classic, or something as unique as the Truffade Z-Type.

But in the end, most players just want to go fast. Whether it’s to outrun the police, other players or to win races.

Rockstar Games

GTA Online F1 cars tear up the ‘New Wave’ coastal track.

The 5 fastest cars in GTA Online

If you immediately thought Formula 1 style cars, the Ocelot R88 and Progen PR4 are the fastest. Technically, they are not. They’ll give you the fastest time in Open Wheel races, but that’s about it.

On the road, the fastest car is actually the Ocelot Pariah. The $1,420,000 sports car has a record top speed of 218.87 km/h after YouTuber Broughy1322’s straight-line speed test.

After that you have the Pfister 811 which was clocked at 212.5 km/h and then the Principe Deveste Eight which recorded a top speed of 212 km/h. The Bravado Banshee 900R and the Investero Coquette D10 finish the top 5.

  1. Ocelot Pariah – 218.87 km/h
  2. Pfister 811 – 212.5 km/h
  3. Principe Deveste Eight – 212 km/h
  4. Bravado Banshee 900R – 210.8 km/h
  5. Invetero Coquette D10 – 209.2 km/h
Rockstar Games

The Ocelot Pariah the fastest car in GTA Online.

The fastest motorcycles in GTA Online

If cars aren’t your thing and you want a motorcycle, Grand Theft Auto Online has plenty of those too.

The fastest, again according to Broughy1322’s test, is the Apocalypse Deathbike with its record top speed of 241.4 km/h. Three of the top five are all Pegassi motorcycles, the original Oppressor, the Bati 801 and the Bati 801RR. There is also the Nagasaki BF400 which reached 220.5 km/h.

  1. Apocalypse Deathbike (Arena) – 241.4 km/h
  2. Pegassi Oppressor – 225.3 241.4 km/h
  3. Nagaski BF400 – 220.5 km/h
  4. Pegassi Bati 801-217.3 km/h
  5. Pegassi Bati 801RR – 217.3 km/h
Rockstar Games

The Apocalypse Deathbike may not look fast, but it is.

In the end you can upgrade any other vehicles and maximize their top speeds, but they will never win against those 10 in a straight line race.

So be sure to check out the Southern San Andreas Super Autos and Legendary Motorsports stores in GTA Online to get your hands on them.

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