Toulouse-Castres motorway: an opponent dislodged from his tree in front of the Ministry of Ecological Transition

Thomas Brail, opponent of the Toulouse-Castres motorway project, installed in a tree opposite the Ministry of Ecological Transition, September 18, 2023 in Paris (AFP/Ludovic MARIN)

An opponent of the Toulouse-Castres motorway project installed for 10 days in a tree opposite the Ministry of Ecological Transition, in Paris, was dislodged on Sunday morning by the authorities, we learned from the Ministry of Transport, which invokes the need to “ensure medical care”.

Thomas Brail, on hunger strike since the beginning of September, was forced to come down from his plane tree by firefighters equipped with a basket, according to images posted on social networks.

“The prolonged hunger strike situation as well as the announcement of an imminent thirst strike posed a major danger to the health and even life of Mr. Brail,” the ministry justified in a press release.

“In this context, the teams of the Paris Fire Brigade and the Police Prefecture intervened and provided his medical care. This protective intervention will not prevent a dialogue from continuing, in compliance with democratic decisions and principles fundamental principles and the rule of law,” he adds.

One of the climbers who accompanied him was transferred to the 7th arrondissement police station, according to the deputy (LFI) for Hauts-de-Seine Aurélien Saintoul, who visited him.

The deputy was not able to speak to him, but claims to have been able to “inspect the cells”: “The idea was to show a presence, to show him that he is not alone”, he explained to the ‘AFP, hailing on X (e-Twitter) “courageous activists, not delinquents!”

Contacted by AFP, the Paris prosecutor’s office and police headquarters did not immediately respond.

Thomas Brail settled on September 14 in a tree located on Boulevard Saint-Germain, opposite the Ministry of Ecological Transition (which includes Transport).

The collective “The Way is Free”, which it represents, is opposed to the A69 motorway project in the name of the environment and the climate, and calls for the suspension of work until the appeals on the merits have not been exhausted.

The activist was received on Tuesday, in vain, by the Minister of Transport Clément Beaune.

At the top of his plane tree, Thomas Brail received several visits, including that of the climatologist Valérie Masson-Delmotte and the mathematician and former deputy Cédric Villani.

EELV MP Sandrine Rousseau supports activist Thomas Brail, opponent of the Toulouse-Castres motorway project, installed in a tree opposite the Ministry of Ecological Transition, September 18, 2023 in Paris

EELV MP Sandrine Rousseau supports activist Thomas Brail, opponent of the Toulouse-Castres motorway project, installed in a tree opposite the Ministry of Ecological Transition, September 18, 2023 in Paris (AFP/Ludovic MARIN)

“Ubac in police custody, Thomas hospitalized, their belongings confiscated, the A69 can therefore continue in good conscience”, reacted Sunday on the X network Sandrine Rousseau (EELV), who had also climbed the tree alongside of the protester.

On Friday, elected officials from Tarn and representatives of the local economy reaffirmed their support for the highway, with Renaissance deputy Jean Terlier denouncing “active minorities” in opposition to the project.

For the minister’s entourage, “the A69 is a project initiated a long time ago and strongly supported by local elected officials, of all political colors.”

The minister spoke again on this subject with Carole Delga, PS president of the Occitanie Regional Council, the ministry said on Sunday.

© 2023 AFP

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