towards a daily stretch ceiling of 25 euros?

A debate is open in the National Assembly to increase the ceiling for daily use of the restaurant voucher to 25 euros. The Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire is in favor of it.

Since July 1, the ceiling for the use of restaurant vouchers has been reduced to 19 euros. But the restaurant ticket has not said its last word. If the National Commission for Restaurant Vouchers (CNTR) proposed a new ceiling of 29 euros in restaurants, deputies are aiming for an in-between with the sum of 25 euros usable each day. A project which received this Friday morning the support of the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire. In these difficult times for our compatriots, I want to make life less expensive, so I am ready to increase the ceiling from 19 to 25 euros. It’s a good proposal from LR deputies, socialists and environmentalists, and I take it, he said on BFMTV.

On the other hand, Bruno Le Maire closed the door an increase in the facial amount of the restaurant ticket, currently capped at 11.38 euros. This is in particular a request from issuers, which would also be favorable to companies which can benefit from an exemption from social security contributions of more than 5 euros, if they offer a security to their employees whose value is between 9.48 and 11.38 euros. Increasing the value of the title would then allow companies more exemptions in a period when the state coffers need resources.

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Raising the daily ceiling is good, says Ilan Ouanounou, the general manager of Edenred France, the leader in the restaurant voucher market, in the columns of the Parisian. But a is not at all a measure of purchasing power. Employees will just spend the same amount of securities faster.

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